Saturday, December 13, 2008

CPW Sleeper Series: Unconditional Love

No one messes with a dwarf in a red raincoat

CPW Sleepers is a new series in which I will pontificate on the relative worthiness of sleeper movies and insist that all my Gentle Readers watch them immediately.

The first in our series is the 2002 sleeper Unconditional Love. Poor George and I have enjoyed this as one of our favorite movies for a number of years now.

It features Kathy Bates, Rupert Everett, a dwarf AND Barry Manilow. What is there not to love about that? It is not even remotely possible to make a bad movie using that combination.

I watched it this morning and got unexplainedly weepy, which of course led me to call Mindy June and leave her a voice mail containing one of my favorite Barry Manilow songs.

Watch it today.

Love and coasters,


Saturday, December 06, 2008

CP has a new policy on Memes

This picture has nothing to do with this post. This is my new dining set that I bought for a song at a consignment shop. It's vaguely Mission style so it fits the style of my house. There is a beautiful wood inlay design on the top that you can't see in this picture. It's also currently located in my office (above) because I don't yet have a functioning dining room. Do you like my paint job? (Please ignore the inner parts of the window frames, as I was unable to get to them to paint them, and I was lucky enough just to get these three windows open let alone take on the project to remove the frames for painting.)

Gentle Readers,

Many of us do Memes, which can be fun. Sometimes we tag each other to do the Memes. (And for the record, I've gone all German with the word Memes and have decided it should be Capitalized on accounta it's a noun, but only because it's a noun that screams to have something all German done to it.)

Most of you know I'm horrible at responding to tags. I have a hard time making the rounds to all my beloved stalkees, and sometimes I don't even know I've been tagged until weeks later and then I feel like an ass. (Mainly because I am an ass, but it just make it worse.)

And now I can't even get Technorati to work any more to tell me when someone mentions me in a blog post, so if anyone has suggestions on how I can be more timely alerted to such things I will be your second best friend. (On accounta you probably already have a first best friend.)

Since posting takes effort and I'm generally unwilling to make any on accounta I'm a lazy son-of-a-bitch, I now declare the following policy: If you tag me in a Meme, or if you just do a Meme and I happen to stop by your place, I too will do the Meme, but in your comments section rather than making my own post.

See here for my first installment.

Love and coasters,