Monday, April 25, 2005

I'm still here

Sorry for my lack of blog updates. I am still here, but have been suffering from a lack of free time as well as a lack of interesting things to blog about. ("Well that never stopped you before," many of you are thinking to yourselves.)

Some of you know about our domestic disaster. I'm not blogging about it in detail due to potential legal ramifications, but suffice to say that a utility company destroyed our apartment and we have been left without a permanent place to live for nearly three months. It is starting to get old. We just want our stuff back and a place to call our own. Meanwhile, everything in life feels up in the air and unsettled. I'm starting to have fleeing fantasies - wanting to flee this side of the country as quickly and as soon as possible. I can just hear the Monty Python knights in my head shrieking "run away! run away!"

Mindy June thinks I should move to England to get away from the stresses of my current life as well as from all the bad people who support the Iraq war and the idea of an American totalitarian theocracy. Although it's kind of like the cat telling you "you should really come have all your meals on the floor, next to me!", she does have a point. I told her I should probably stay in the US because someone needs to keep voting against the bad people. She said "oh you should definitely still vote, but it doesn't mean you have to live there with them."



lulu said...

Chicago is always lovely....

Melinda June said...

Are you saying that England is like eating on the floor and America is a table? Are you saying that I eat on the floor? You know I wouldn't do that...that's gross. I don't understand!!!!

Coaster Punchman said...

No, America is the floor if anything, but that's beside the point. It was just an analogy. The cat wants you to come eat on the floor with him because then he'll get to have you there next to him to play with and share food with. So in this scenario you are the cat saying "come be here by me - it's better to be with me because we can play and share food." At this point in my life, playing with you AND being far from the American God-o-crats would be a double bonus. Highest quality happiness.