Gentle Readers,
I was invited by Lori, author of Hahn at Home, to write for the GLBTQ page of her online zine called A World of Progress TeamZine. I'll be publishing there once a month if all goes as planned.
I was invited by Lori, author of Hahn at Home, to write for the GLBTQ page of her online zine called A World of Progress TeamZine. I'll be publishing there once a month if all goes as planned.
Here is my first piece, a hysterical (as in angry) rant on Prop 8. How unusual for me!
Right on, CP!! As a native New Yorker, I can barely express ANY emotion without the F word, but if any recent situation calls for an "F bomb", this homophobic crap we are all being subjected to in California is it! Are we going to be the 49th in the nation to legalize (re-legalize) same-sex marriage, kinda like we're ranked 49th in the nation for the quality of our educational system?? (hmmm...interesting correlation...)
Awww you're sharing your first piece with us!
Wait....that sounds bad. :0
I liked it, especially how you drafted creatively worded phrases and sentences to get your points across! ;)
Great article!
I'm excited about the developments in NH. I think the "churches can't be forced to..." provisions really take the wind out of those asshats' sails.
FUCKING FABULOUS! A voice as bold and fierce as yours is gonna rock that column. Mazel Tov, bubbie.
God bless you CP...I'm not a religious type, but that's about the highest praise I can give anyone. Excellent piece. Rightly angered and perferctly reasonable at the same time.
Kick some ass, bro.
It rocks. Brilliant.
Excellent! But I expect nothing less from my brilliant brother.
Will you come and say some hysterical things on my blog?
Well fucking said!
I hope everyone will pop over every day - we have a lot of fine fucked up commentators. Today's startling vegetarian murder being a fine example. http://www.aworldofprogress.com
We're thrilled to have you. Not in the biblical sense of course.
P.S. It's not my teamzine - I am but the humble editor of the GLBT page. My good friend Kim G. is the able publisher of the zine!
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