I have a new Strategic Sales Executive on my team, and few weeks ago she hosted a Webex for us. (For you non "Office Space" types, a Webex would be an audio/video conference call where the host can share his or her computer desktop with the call participants.)
When you set up a Webex you have to supply the participants a password. I usually choose a relatively neutral, innocuous sort of word like lawyer or chlamydia. Always does the trick.
Sandra (the new Strategic Sales Executive) however decided that her password for the group would be 3Jesus97. I thought that was odd. Then, when we were trying to log in to the call one of the participants said "what is the password again?" Sandra replied "3Jesus97. I guess that wasn't very politically correct of me! Giggle!"
Let us note that Sandra is based in Oklahoma. Just sayin'.
To get back at Sandra for her inappropriate behavior, the next time I hosted a Webex I made the password 3Buddah97.
No one laughed, which disappointed me a fair amount.
No, but 3DavidKorresh97 would have bowled them over ;)
I'm laughing CP.
Does that count?!
Maybe next time you should do
or Jesus666
Since I was in the veterinary business when I did WebEx presentations I tended to use passwords like Puppy or Kitten and people still got it all wrong.
Finally - a reason to laugh at chlamydia.
I was gonna say exactly what Jin said.
you know i could think of a whole lot of passwords to use I do like the jesus666 idea
Oh CP--you know midwesterners are crazy. Y'all gonna get in a fight, and for what? Let her have her 3 Jesuses and giggle her little giggles.
Did you ever see the WifeSwap episode (or Trading Spouses, or whatever Fox show of that ilk) where the religious wife went to a pagan husband, and she commenced to bellowing crocodile tears, cussing everyone including her own family and the camera crew out, and using the name of Jesus like it was a silver bullet and everyone around her were werewolves? Then later cashed the check that the show paid her?
These people embarass themselves on a national scale. I say let 'em, and save your energy, which (as Tracy Chapman sings) is precious. The truth will out, buddy.
this shit happens to me all the time. I laff loud and long and proud for e'eryone else.
If you'd realy wanted to be snotty you could've made your password 3 Jeebus 97 or 3 flying spaghetti monster 97...
I think the Buddha reference was pretty gentle.
Unfortunately, I'm very familiar with the WebEx word! Our passwords are no where near as funny as yours.
well, if it make you feel any better - it made me laugh hot tomato soup with red pepper out of my nose.
So that's on you now.
Just like it is on my white shirt!
As a midwesterner, let me say that Oklahoma is NOT in the midwest.
I love the Buddha idea. Like Jeebus even better.
How about "intelligentagnostic" or "thinkinghumanist" - nah, too long. Perhaps "pagan" would be better.
Why would anyone bring religion to a webex?
I guess using something like SandraHasChlamydia probably wouldn't go over either huh?
"Scrotum" could be a keeper...
????? Where is Oklahoma, if not in the mid-West, lol?
That is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. I would have laughed, if it makes you feel any better.
Sorry Alan, I'll have to agree with MNMOM. While it is roughly in the middle of the country, we midwesterners would not call it the midwest. We consider it more southern.
But Southern is like Georgia and picking cotton, and Jim Crow. And "The Southwest" is like New Mexico and Arizona.
Is Oklahoma just "The West?" Because we all know they're crazy there too. :-D
nuff said
I laughed. I also like bluez' suggestion quite a bit.
Total lack of a sense of humor on their part.
So far Bluez and Dale are heading the race for best alternate passwords! Though I never mentioned it was a contest.
Alan, while Oklahoma didn't have (much?) cotton, I am pretty sure I remember hearing that Jim Crow was a staple down there. (Not that we northerners can get too uppity about all that, but that's a different conversation.) Someone ought to end these regional debates once and for all by formally assigning the various states to their proper regions.
The baby Jesus will smote you for making fun of him like that.
Baby Jesus lives in Alabama so you're safe up there.
I suppose that "Druid on a surfboard" is out. What about "hitler lovs ya"? Or "kill first born son", "black hearted bitches R U" or the ever popular "smoke turd N hell"
Anything I can do to help, just ask.
That was a LAUGH OUT LOUD post!
There were 3 Jesuses in 1997?
No one laughed? What type of commie bastards do you work with, after all?!?!
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