Gentle Readers,
Did you know there is a website where anyone with Internet access can retrieve of a copy of your driver's license? Scary stuff.
Fortunately there is also a link where you can request your license be removed. I would also suggest putting a fraud alert on your name with the three credit reporting agencies to prevent your identity from being stolen.
Click here to see if your license is on the website, and if so, take action immediately to get it removed.
One might think that my children are triplets. Who knew they were in that DB, too.
Is there a website which shows the states I'm licensed to perform abortions in? I can never keep it straight.
I love you.
that pictures is so much better than my current one ;)
You are a TURD!!! I can't believe I feel for that!!
Somebody is getting a jump on April 1st, I'm not going to mention any names.
Heh. Good one.
I'm so gullible. My address included the word sasquatch. I love that word.
Nice, wise ass, very nice (ha).
I fell for it hook, line and sinker. I'm so gullible, too, Michaelg.
No one would want your identity because you're such an asshole.
That's my brother not me!
I'm copying it!
I miss you.
I put in my coach's name first - now I have to send his license to the team!
I'll get your for that!
I'm sending you a box of chocolates for that fabulous info.
No, they won't be made with exlax... why do you ask?
Third time I've fallen for this . Grrrrrrrrrrrr
You're an ass. My spider-sense was tingling but I thought, "if I can't trust CP who can I trust?" Evidently no one.
hook, line and SINKER!
That's freaking hilarious! I'm such a sucker.
This is very alarming, CP. Thank you very much for brining this to my attention. I never knew I looked like a monkey.
I don't care so much if they steal my identity, I'm just so glad to see that I am finally legally allowed to drive that moped! Valuable service - thanks loads.
Oh, snap! You got me...
Payback is a you-know-what and so are memes...wait a minute, that didn't come out right. At any rate, you're it.
This has nothing to do with this post, but I wanted to let you know that my video this week is especially for you.
I'm going down to the BMV immediately to have that picture retaken. I knew I should've had my eyebrows threaded before I had my license renewed but couldn't get an appointment. Besides I should have my address updated. I no longer live on Bananas Ave.
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