Well Gentle Readers, it's official: as far as fun on Facebook is concerned for me, les jeux sont faits. Most of you have already seen my tales of high school woe as awoken anew in my prior article about Facebook.
(Note how I get all fancy by using the word article to describe the drivel that I publish on this blog. Oops, now I said publish. Hee hee.)
Well as of about 23 hours ago, Facebook became officially dead to me, at least in the sense of my being able to share anything pretty personal on it. Because due to my prior stupidity of letting ONE WORK FRIEND join my group, my former BOSS is now my Facebook friend.
Fuck fuck fuck.
Not that it matters, really. So far on Facebook there is really nothing to hide. A few of you who are on Facebook do call me "CP" there, but that in itself is not enough to out me as the world's crabbiest blogger who maintains the warmest and most welcoming webspace on the Internets.
My beef with my prior boss joining my little Facebook universe is that it completely kills off any possibility of being my true bitchy self on that forum. And what's the point of that?
Not that I wasn't bitchy to his face when he was my boss; far from it, in fact. I regularly bullied him into meetings and conference calls with all the enthusiasm and aplomb of a guy completely unafraid of ever losing his job. On more than one occasion I even berated him publicly for interrupting me and/or not letting me talk enough during our team meetings. I think he may have been a little afraid of me. No one really knows what to do about such a loose canon.
But, because I'm not as retarded as I sometimes pretend to be, I was always careful to preserve my crustiness to in person contacts and NEVER to memorialize my virtual hemmorhages in writing. My pretend life online is where I get it all down on (virtual) paper, for the sick pleasure of my Gentle Readers.
Anyway, I can't exactly drop out of Facebook now, but I'll have to be doubly, no, triply extra careful of anything I decide to put up there now.
Crustily yours,
PS: "CP" is fine, Facebook friends, but if anyone accidentally calls me by my full blog name, "Coaster Punchman," while on Facebook, I may have to go up the river and take names. And you should all know what that means!
How will you ever get by without knowing what everyone's 25 random things are! ;^)
Aye aye sir.
Sorry for CP ref
Can't you just tell him it stands for Crusty Pants? Oh that wouldn't be good would it. Never mind Tom
I feel your pain. I have stayed away from Facebook specifically because I don't want a bunch of different aspects of my life all colliding.
Why don't you just secretly unfriend him?
I just got a friend request from Stefanie's MOM. She's nice and all, but she's my friend's MOM for God's sake. Ugh.
Change your photo regularly on Facebook to one featuring a blog pal and claim multiple personalities.
Luckily, my boss is too much of a retard to understand things like Facebook. I do have my mother though, and that's been a problem.
I can beat that. My current boss knows about my blog.
Work = off limits!
Luckily I am happy at my job so it hasn't deprived me of material yet!
I allow no one that I work with or have ever worked with to be my FB friends. Too risky. You could always unfriend your boss. Now who's popular?
What Lulu said, unfriend him. I requested 2 or 3 friends AND WAS IGNORED...
Dude. Do what I do - create another account with a fake name, and ask all your friend-friends to join you on that one, and unfriend your old one. Then you can put up boring status on your old one: "CP is really working hard." and get back to having fun on your new one.
Although all my non-blogging friends keep asking me if I got married and when can they meet Mr. Love. :)
A good friend of mine just deleted his acct and I'm so close to doing the same.
I'm glad I don't have a job so I don't have to worry about that. Wait a minute...
I think the creepy factor of "CP" as a nickname should bother you slightly more, truth be told, as I instinctively think of Child Pornography when I see those letters next to one another. Then again, maybe I am just too much of a /b/tard for my own good. Carry on.
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