I have long been a fan of famous people. At least I've been a fan of people who are famous for the right reasons. I don't like people who are famous because they lock people in their basements and eat them. As a simple illustration, Shirley Booth = good. John Wayne Gacy = bad.
Actually, I realize John Wayne Gacy didn't eat his victims. It just sounded better that way.
When I moved to Los Angeles in 1992, I was giddy with excitement each time I saw a famous person. One of my favorite things was to go to El Coyote for trashy Mexican food because it was such a great place for star sightings, especially to view stars of the "B" variety. (Washed up TV actors being my absolute favorite genre, if you hadn't figured that out from the Shirley Booth example.)
The first time I went to El Coyote I was with my new boss, who mentioned casually that he sat next to Carol Burnett the last time he'd been there.
"Carol Burnett?? Are you kidding me with this??" I demanded to know.
"Yes, I did," Michael replied. "You see a lot of stars here. Perfect restaurant if you're into that sort of thing."
And was I ever! Seeing stars was fun!
....to be continued.....
Another multi-part post!? You just love to keep us hanging, don't you?
Actually Chris, I'm just too lazy to get it all out in one sitting. But suspense never hurts a Gentle Reader!
How many parts until the ball sucking?
Allisa Milbert? Isnt' she the girlfriend of Pat McManus' childhood friend, Retch Overbee?
I can't wait to hear what Alissa did that made you lash out like this!
Is Alissa Milbert a pseudonym for Melissa Gilbert? Or would that be a homonym? Does her sucking your balls have any relation to your first college boyfriend we're still holding our breath over?
Ah, you're a great one for the cliffhanger aren't you?
You and I have the same taste in celebrities...
LOVE the new look!
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