Thank God Bubs asked us to help promote Nora in the Fangoria Spooksmodel Contest. If it hadn't been for Bubs' asking us to help out, I never would have tried to give Nora a perma-link on my sidebar, never would have failed miserably at it, and subsequently never would have decided I needed to revamp my blog to join the 21st century (post aught-four.)
My old template would simply not support Nora in all her nursely ghoulishness, and I so wanted to help that I actually began the arduous task of reformatting. Which turned out not to be arduous at all. And is the reason y'all are (maybe not?) enjoying my whole new look.
I lost the bulk of my regular Gentle Readers over the past months, probably ever since Proposition 8 passed when I began to spend months being all angry and serious about it, and losing my mojo for writing in the process.
But that's all water under the bridge now, Gentle Readers, and we start anew.
What has changed the most is that the new template enabled me to do that coolio link thing where I can see immediately which of my stalkees has posted. This saves me the arduous task of clicking into all 50+ of my stalkees' blogs every day to see what is going on. That is the primary reason why I hadn't been reading & commenting on your blogs - it just got too damn hard to keep up with everyone.
So now, I am lovin' the ability to keep up with y'all more easily, Gentle Readers. And I hope you love me stopping over more often now.
Oh please, like we're not all attention whores.
Love & coasters,
Now you can have a contest to see which of your dear readers is your number ONE attention whore.
The new look is crisp and perfect.
I read that 9 out of 10 Mormon missionaries like the new layout a lot!
I like it! It's always good to take the blog in for a tuneup and makeover every so often. Btw, is that actually you, CP?
That is me in all my (glory?)
Looooove it!
Yeah the new layout is working for me too. As is the blog roll thingy. I got one for my blog months ago and it's the best thing ever. And do't worry Coaster, I'd never leave you, I like you when you're angry.
I would like your layout better if you gave me a giant, permanent link at the top of your sidebar. But, that's just me. You can't please everyone.
"Oh please, like we're not all attention whores."
The correct term is "attention challenged-slash-deficent."
Nice new place you got here CP, I felt right at home as soon as I arrived.
Got any beer?
Oh, I have a Mormon story for you but no time now - do a properer Mormon-watching post and I'll comment then
I am an attention whore but the laziest one you'll ever meet.
I put the HO in ATTENTION WHORE!!!
You're cute when you're angry.
I'm an attention deficit diswhorder.
I dunno what it looked like before, so I have no frame of reference.
Doesn't mean I don't like it, though...
attention blog shoppers
I like it! Been thinking about doing this to unplugged so I too can have the updated posts right on my page. It does make it easier to comment/bloghop.
FYI- I just responded to your comment about bridezillas.
You've not lost me as a reader. Not yet, at least.
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