Today, when asked about pricing during a presentation my sales rep and I did for some clients, my sales rep replied that he would get the initial pricing from our finance people and then he would try to "Jew them down."
He actually said this. To our clients.
The only thing that kept me from bitch slapping him later is that he happens to be Jewish. But no matter. There are certain things you don't say in any kind of professional setting, let alone in front of one's clients.
And I believe "Jew them down" would be one of them.
Would somebody please help me get the fuck out of here?
Yeah, I'd say that's a tad inappropriate. What a schlemiel!
You should've grabbed him by his low-hanging fruit and squeezed.
You should show more compassion to the over-circumcised.
How charming. You don't get much more inappropriate than that.
That's class.
Jew-cy story! Someone made a similar remark to me and the Jewish lady beside me on the train one day and neither of us could believe it afterward. I was going to end this comment with 'the dumb wop' but that would be just as bad.
wow talk about being professional!!!! Nice job. I guess he needs to be sent to a sensitivity seminar
Yeah, you should have WASPed him and then damn dirty Mexicaned his dumb ass.
I can help get you out of there, CP. I need a housekeeper once a week, no windows. Interested? $87/week. Please let me know asap.
Hey, it's WORK ...
That reminds of the time I worked retail and one of my co-workers lovingly refered to her sister's newly adopted Chinese daughter as her "little chink baby."
I tried to explain to her that calling someone a chink is highly offensive but soon found I was wasting my breath.
See, I just assumed everyone talks like that. Now, thanks to your post, I find it heartening that there are places where people only occasionally say wildly inappropriate things.
Grizzbabe, can CP and PG borrow the LCB for the MG? There might be $200 in it for someone somewhere...
They shut down Eddie Griffin for using the N-word, so a precedent has been set.
I'd say a bitch slap would have been approriate.
Or at least a public apology from you to the customers in front of him for him being so fucking stupid.
Just the other day, I was just asking an ex-pat New Yawker who is Jewish, "just what exactly is a momser"? He said "it's someone who is a bit of an a**h*le."
Then you give me this fine example of a momser right here. A sheynam dank, Coaster.
Yes, what are you still doing there? Take a leave of absence, and after you have written your novel and are on a 50-city book tour, you won't ever have to go back!
Your Cousin Cathy
I've kick three friends to the curb for this kind of nonsense. You should have beaten him senseless.
If you worked for my company, you could file a mutual respect complaint, you know. =)
MJ, I know about JF. Who are the other two?
One friend from Luther and one from work. (And I DID file a mutual respect complaint.)
I'm really counting these.
You would have to get out of Sales. I think I will start parlaying some of my years of being in Sales, especially around Hallowe'en.
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