In my last post I bragged about how I won the award for Strategic Sales Executive of the Year. #1 in the whole damn country. I get to go with Poor George to Pabooba for an exotic vacation in April.
Except for one small problem. They forgot me at our company's awards banquet on Saturday night. I was supposed to get to walk across a stage in front of 2,000 of my colleagues and be recognized.
But they forgot me. They gave fancy crystal vases to every other winner except me.
Then, during dinner, they flashed large screen images of the names and photos of all the winners throughout the evening - except for me.
Needless to say, I was puzzled and slightly upset. I asked my boss what was up, so he went to talk to the woman who coordinated the awards.
When he returned to my table he said "Tom, I spoke with Martha and she was really, really apologetic. But there's nothing we can do. You still won though, and you still get to go on the trip."
Bullshit. He could have gone to our president at the front table and explained that they accidentally left out the Strategic Sales Exec category and failed to announce the winner. He could have gone back on stage and corrected it. But I guess they didn't care enough.
I don't care about fucking Pabooba, and in fact we're no longer going. I'm going to stay home and eat my sour grapes instead, or maybe go somewhere else with Poor George on my own dime. I'd be too angry to be able to enjoy myself if I went after this slap in the face.
I kind of feel like a dick for even caring about this, but I do. I worked my ass off last year, and through a combination of hard work, teamwork and good luck I won. I deserved to walk across that stage.
Now, only the people in my immediate vicinity know I won. People in other parts of the company whom I've known for 18 years have no idea now that I have made good. People who might later be able to help me, knowing I have the cache of a national award behind my name, will not know anything about my achievement - unless of course I tell them. Which I don't want to have to do.
It may have something to do with having to get up at 4:00 am to catch my plane this morning, but in the cab ride home from the airport I actually shed tears over this. Maybe I need to get a life.
I feel your pain. I realized years ago, when I didn't get the plaque for a sales award, that the recognition piece of awards is really important.
It is still true now that I am a teacher.
So congrats on being the best and as my friend (born and raised in Chicago) used to say, "don't let the bastards get you down!"
CP, I'm sorry. I was actually hoping that I would get to the end of this post and you would say it was all a joke. There's no way that your boss should have just accepted the apology without making the situation right that very night. I'd be just as upset as you but I would still go on the trip. You deserve it!
Pig fuckers, indeed! They could have found a way to make it right. It's not that difficult. "Oh, ladies and gentlemen, we have one more award to give out..." See how easy that is?
Your anger over this is understandable, but I still hope you decide to go on the trip. You earned every high-priced snack item and miniature bottles of liquor you will consume while there, as well as every room service prime rib dinner you and PG will order on the company dime.
Why does this not surprise me? Its shit like this that makes me want to buy a portable tiki bar and sell martini's and beer barefoot on the beach in key west. Dickheads
I'm boiling mad! This makes me so sick, especially as it would have been so EASY for them to fix.
Take the trip, though. It's really nice down there. We've been to PubaƧao, which I believe is nearby.
Also, if there are a bunch of people going, then that gives you plenty of chances to mention your mad skilz.
Go but don't come back? That's really upsetting, sorry to hear this.
How morale-crushing! You deserve better. Pig-fuckers, indeed!
I totally see where you're coming from on this... only I'd take the vacation still!
I won "The Womanhood Award" when I was in High School - the top honor for a senior girl. But what was the *SINGLE* award left out of the yearbook? Everyone knows who won "Prettiest Eyes"... but who won Womanhood? They may never know!
It's been 10 years and I'm still a little bitter!!
I can understand why you are upset, but don't turn down the free trip sweetie, it was an honest mistake, which they should have corrected yes, but at least if you go on the trip all those people will know that you won the award, and who knows, those people, being award winners themselves, may be in a position to help you someday. (that was a hell of a run on sentence)
You have a lot of friends in your company, I'm sure that a few well placed words will let a lot of people know that you were ROBBED! Sometimes gossip can work for good you know.
Does your company have a newsletter? They can print an article about the ceremony, with a special feature on YOU...if they want to make it up to you. I'd mention it to my boss, because it really DOES matter. Besides which, it'd be a cool thing for them to do anyway--even if they HAD done the right thing at the time.
Let me at 'em!
I'll murderalize 'em!
That is total bullshit. I'm with you if you want to burn them out or something equally as destructive.
Oh CP, how terribly unfair. I agree with Canadian - ask that it be put in the newsletter or an email blast or something. You deserve the recognition.
I also agree that you should still go on the trip. Eat all the expensive stuff you can find and empty the mini-bar. Take it all home in your suitcase. Take the robe too.
oh man that sucks I'd be pissed too. Is there a company newsletter they could announce it in? Its not as good as the stage but at least people would know
So yeah, "Pissed" is the order of the day. But yeah too, everyone who has opined says you ought to take the trip, and I definitely think you should as well. And listen to Grizzbabe--order prime rib and everything the company can afford. And I mean, jive-time overpriced bullsh!t too, like hot chocolate, candy bars, and break the seal on the wet bar for no other reason than to have the company pay.
And too, those tears came from an older place than those morons. You're an out and proud man who had to work to enjoy what you have, both in your professional life and in your personal life. This was a chance to be publically recognized for some of that struggle, and those stupid sons of bitches dropped the ball and refused to pick it up.
F*ck them.
You have a beautiful life, CP. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
I would do the exact same fucking thing... Except all them grapes would gimmie th' shits.
You were wronged! Sitting through that awards ceremony must have been excruciating, but you totally earned that free trip man. Don't give that up.
Thanks everyone, it's really swell of all you guys to lend these supportive words. My anger has subsided significantly, and I've taken the advice of David Sedaris's younger brother Paul by planning to buy myself a fuckit-bucket: "When life gets you down, you just need to git yerself a bucket and eat some motherfuckin' caindy!"
As someone who does events like this for a living, a) go on the trip, b) demand that you be recognised in some form of corporate communication, and also at next year's meeting, and c) get that incompetent meeting planner fired. A mistake like that is inexcusable.
When you think about it, the REAL pig fucker is the meeting planner's husband.
Yeah, your lazy-ass boss should have done something... but take the trip, and expense all the alcohol you drink as emotional damages.
WTG PG, that was funny.
As I told you Sunday, I stand ready to beat the stuffing out of someone. Just give me directions. That's what big sisters are for...right? Is she bigger than me?
Be pissed. Be very pissed. I put together those awards presentations for my company, and we triple-check — nay, quadruple-check — every damn thing — and hold rehearsals.
I'll include your award in our awards ceremony this December. We have some Paboobas down here you may enjoy.
Upon seeing the photo, I thought this was going to be a Super Bowl-related post. I should have known better. :)
That sucks. I think it's less about your bosses "not caring" than it is about them not wanting to look stupid for forgetting someone, which they would if they suddenly made an announcement about your award. Nothing they could do, my ass. Nothing they were willing to do.
Perhaps you should produce a little YouTube piece on your experience - blot out the names of the people and company involved but make sure they see it. Make sure everyone sees it.
That REALLY sucks. Inadvertent, maybe, but they still should have made a corrective announcement at the ceremony.
Obviously the organization values you. Just one or two idiots fucked it up. To take the personal sting away from it, imagine if it had happened to one of the other award winners instead of you. They would have had the same thing happen to them and you wouldn't even know about it. So try to frame this as this fuck up is a testimony to the incompetence of the the fuck ups, not a testimony to your value to the organization.
You rock. You know you do.
I applaud you.
Nearly the exact same thing happened to me - supposed to get an inhouse award for newspaper reporting at the Xmas banquet. Supposed to be announced in front of everyone, a plaque etc.
Problem was my name wasn't called at the banquet. I got the award, they just skipped my recognition. My wife leaned in and said, "Aren't you going to say something?" I tried to play it cool. "Nah, babe, I don't care about awards."
I secretly seethed about it for months and soon left for a better job.
At least you brought it up.
Ack! What a suck. Sorry you didn't get to walk across the stage. But you handled it with the up-most dignity. I would've started heckling the presenter and thrown something.
No matter how pissed I was, I would go on the trip. I never turn down sunshine and endless libations. On a much smaller scale, the PTA (which I am not a part of) failed to recognize or even invite me to the breakfast for volunteers two years ago. When I showed up for the volunteer job, everyone else was well-caffeinated and had pretty plants. I was pissed.
I didn't see this post until today...
sooo sorry, that seriously sucks.
*cyber hugs*
This situation bites bag and you are so right to be furious. I'm with the folks who say go on the trip, but demand some recognition. Not getting recognized could potentially limit your career if people don't know how great you are. Give 'em hell.
I don't think you're overreacting. I think they are wretched whores for overlooking you. IT'S A HUGE WIN. you should've gotten recognition. I do think even if you don't go on the trip, take the money and go on the trip YOU WANT to go on.
I feel you, babes. I'm sorry it happened.
Pig Fuckers!
You suck for using Blogger
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