Hi all,
Greetings from a warm southern city - I can't get too specific because I don't want to be Googled by my colleagues. I am currently attending our annual sales conference. Me and 2,000 sales reps. It's just this sort of thing that normally puts me over the edge.
But this year is slightly different. You see, Gentle Readers, last night I learned that I am the #1 Strategic Sales Executive for 2007! I guess my Amanda Woodward-like attitude has finally gotten me somewhere.
Poor George and I will be joining my company's senior executives for a fancy award vacation on a tropical island. Again, I don't want to say where for fear of being Googled, but it rhymes with Pabooba and it's near the coast of Venezuela.
Finally, the recognition Poor George deserves for putting up with my non-stop bitching!
You'll always be the world's greatest Strategic Sales Executive to me.
When you return to work after your fabulous vacation you can use this slogan for the rest of 2008:
Coaster Punchman. Rested. Tanned. Ready.
Congratulations!! Yes, you are also my favorite strategic sales executive
Rock on! Award trips make my life worth living. Mr. Ten S won a trip a year ago and I won't say exactly where we went except that it sounds like Bladaika. I had the worst hangover of my life on the plane ride home. Too much rum punch and reggae.
I've found that Amanda Woodward is the best role model in business. Congratulations!
Congrats CP!
Myyyyy Hero!...
Congratulations! I hear Pabooba's nice this time of year.
That's wonderful, CP!
thats awesome congrats
You've turned the rabid into a rabbit! Good work Amanda!
I deeply admire anyone who can do ANYTHING in sales. I'm not kidding. I fucking HATE sales so much I'd rather put my left nut in a garlic press and give it a mighty S-Q-U-E-E-Z-E!! than have to try to sell ANYTHING. I couldn't even sell ice water in Hell.
MAZEL TOV (again)! That is incredible, child.
Hot Damn! Congratulations!
Now, for the fussing. If you were in Georgia you are in trouble!!!!
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