I'm trying not to be a nervous ninny, but would someone please tell me what the fuck is going on with all this?
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not so thrilled with the idea of our entire country being on the verge of financial collapse. This just isn't good.
What is next? Total chaos? Should we take all our cash and buy gold? Should I join the NRA and buy a gun in case I need it?
Dale, do you have room on your couch for us?
As long as you don't mind sharing with the cat, plenty of room. Please don't let any of these ripples across the border with you though when you come.
Calm down sugar booger. They want us to start freaking out so that they can justify taking over. Please be calm and go about your daily business in a polite and cool manner. I'll let you know when and if you need to freak out and do some crazy bad shit.
I think you should only freak out if you have more than $20 in your pocket. Which is perhaps all of 20% of the population of the USA at this point.
Nope...you should start preparing yourself for the apocalypse. I have some helpful notes on my blog today...
The answer to all your questions is a resounding "yes", but I'd qualify it by saying you don't need to join the NRA, I'd just get the gun.
I'm with the monkey on this one.
I'm with Monkey too. And the good news about our personal recent financial meltdown is we had cashed all our stock and savings so NO WORRIES!!
If Dale can't put you up, you and George can bunk with us, and yes, buy the gun. 12 Guage pump ought to do as it takes very little training and skill to operate effectively. It is a point and shoot weapon that works great in hallways and alleys.
Screw buying gold, buy shells.
WaMu holds my mortgage. I guess this day was inevitable.
You and PG are welcome to crash out here in Nova Scotia to weather the storm - if PG cooks.
I have a WaMu maxed out credit card. Does this mean I don't have to pay it back?
I'm going to ignore Monkey and use this as an excuse to squat in Dale's basement.
A lot of it is funny money...still there is some serious money involved and it will be a recession in the near term. Sadly, the govt will bail out the irresponsible, but that's the way things go.
Basic economic fundamentals are still pretty good for the US. And as far as strength, the financial sector follows the other industrial sectors which are not as bad as finance. So it is not as bad as the news portrays it...just prepare for a recession.
This is going to make me sound really clueless, but um, what exactly is going on over there? I don't really read the news on a daily basis because it just depresses me,so I am kind of in the dark. Anyone want to give me a quick rundown?
pretty soon there is gonna be one bank ---- and my couch is sort of comfortable, but i do live near a wamu branch
Additional refugee bunking is available as required. Come aboard, we're expecting you.
I know, right?!?!? I am freaking out about it, too. I'm terrified of a second depression like The Great Depression. Oy vey. Can you imagine?!?!?
I'm crashing on Dale on Teeny's couches whether they'll have my Jewass or not- ha.
We have room, Katie, come on up.
Oh, CP, you and Poor George can come too.
Hurry up and give me your new mailing address.
I loaded up on ammo just to be on the safe side;)
I pulled all my money out of the market about 3 weeks ago and have it sitting in simply cash right now until this all settles out.
I have no idea what to do but it's freakin' scary.
Gold would be a good idea but it's too expensive right now as well!!
Maybe pork bellies would be good...
At least we know the fundamentals are sound.
...apparently the fundamentals are greed and stupidity.
I have a WaMu credit card. Good thing it's been paid off. I think?
I'd always assumed you were in the NRA to begin with.
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