Friday, February 20, 2009

R.I.P. Socks

I'm heartbroken. Socks has died.


Eebie said...

Oh my Lord, I'm really sorry. How are you doing? How is George doing?

Dale said...

Sucks about Socks. I wish I had the transcript that goes with the photo.

Esther said...

I'm not really a cat person but Socks is (was) cute! R.I.P.

Cormac Brown said...

Jeez, I am sad, though partially relieved that it wasn't one of your cats. Out of all of them, I only remember Ava's name and your page takes awhile to load with dial-up.

wonderturtle said...

Why didn't the Clintons take Socks with them when they left the White House? What the heck? Was he just a photo op?

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

I'm with WonderTurtle. I was always upset with the Clinton's for not taking Socks or their dog Buddy with them when they moved out of the White House, like they were college students leaving the frat house for the summer break. What kind of example of pet ownership is that?

The Clinton's didn't deserve Socks, but that is a great photo of him giving a press conference.

BeckEye said...

I agree with the others - I hate these asshole politicians who only have pets while they're living in the White House. They're as bad as the people I always see on Animal Cops abandoning their pets.

On another topic - what did you think of Sean Penn's acceptance speech last night? And do you think that everyone in Utah went to bed early (earlier than usual)?

Coaster Punchman said...

The Clintons took Buddy and not Socks. Apparently Buddy and Socks did not get on well and I guess the secretary liked the cat well enough to take it.

In an amazing feat of poetic justice though, Buddy was hit by a car and killed shortly after they moved. Although maybe Hillary actually shot him, thinking it was Bill, and it was all just a cover up.

Becks, I LOVED Sean Penn's acceptance speech. Rock on man. I wish he and Madonna were still gettin it on.

lulu said...

Socks was kind of a kitler, wasn't he?