Those Chicago bastar---- oops I mean bloggers, don't get to have all the fun with their exclusive little cliquey blogger gatherings. The New Yorkers are taking it back!
NYC area bloggers as well as their friends, loved ones, admirers and creepy stalkers are ALL invited to gather THIS FRIDAY, September 28 for an ABBA party hosted by a bunch of damn Swede bastar----oops I mean people.
Starting at 9:00 pm on Friday, come to NYC to meet CP, Poor George, Chelene from Bliss & Bile, Beckeye from The Pop Eye and many more as they drink $5 Carlsbad beers and dance the night away to the sounds of the greatest group of the 1970s (and no Dale, we don't mean Peaches & Herb).
Click here for details, address, directions or to buy a ticket online. (It's $5 more if you buy at the door.)
I have no idea where we'll be, but by this time you've seen enough pictures of Poor George and me on this blog to be able to spot us. Just don't do what Write Procrastinator did and walk right past me if you don't see a Chinese guy nearby; PG and I are not always joined at the hip!
You can also email me at cp.marytylermoore@yahoo.com to warn me that you'll be coming - that way I can keep an eye out for you.
Most importantly, please don't let CP and Poor George be the only Dancing Queens at this party!
See you there!
CP will be the one wearing the disco bedazzled Crocs. No toes please, we're New Yorkers.
Wish I could go but Mamma Mia, I cannot.
Oh fer crying out loud! I swear to god, you guys are always arranging stuff when you know I can't make it.
I'm going to Calgary on Thursday until Sunday.
I'm completely devastated that we can't join you guys.
Grrr! I blame Dale.
I love ABBA, I'm so there (as long as I'm invited.
I want to come, but alas, living in Georgia and walking in a 30 mile walk will not allow me to be there.
Have one - or three - for me!
You're skating on thin ice with those Crocs cracks, Dale.
Tanya, haven't you figured it out that we purposefully schedule events when we know you can't make it, just to torture you a bit?
Sushi Boy, thanks for stopping by - and of course you may come. You should be sure to introduce yourself.
Marni, did I contribute to your walk? I was going to but don't remember if I did.
Damn. If I'd known last week, I could have snapped up a cheap ticket to NYC. I guess I'm stuck going to see Amy Sedaris, Drive-by Truckers, and Rilo Kiley.
I hope you have a dance in my honor, though.
Man I'd love to come but would need a little more advanced notice since its a bit of a trip for me
Give us more notice next time and Katy & I will come together!!!
You'd BETTER take pics mister!!!!
I bought my ticket today, so you better not back out!!
Well hell. I wish I could go but I'm having a new couch and bedroom set delivered on Saturday sometime between 8 and 54, bastids!
Have a blast !!
Swedes? Oh my.
Can I go?
What? What? There are Chicago bloggie gatherings? Someone needs to e-mail me. I'm a ton of fun, especially when drunk.
We'll be waiting, Grant Miller!
Bella Mr. Some Guy on my link list visits Chicago a lot and often organizes gatherings. If I note another one I'll pop over and let you know - or just read his blog!
Sorry to those of you who can't make this one (Beth, Dino, Jin, Bluez; Beckeye I'm buying my tickets right now (Ruby is coming.)
cp--drat, another event missed. I am coming home for Christmas, can you and pg make it to Chicago sometime between December 16th and January 3rd? I'll plan a big bloggy event, or an intimate little gathering, which ever you want.
No contribution, CP, but that is OK. There is always next year!
Have a GREAT time!!!!!
Oh crap, it is a RL event in NYC, I missed that part. I just saw ABBA and got exited. I thought it was an online thing :) Ah I wish I had a plane ticket now. Have fun guys! PS Someone get up and dance in my place if they play "Take a chance on me" or "Super Trooper"
Will you be donning bell-bottoms and big, poofy hair for the occasion?
Sure, I leave town and then the fun begins.
I'm devastated and crushed. And not crushed by love, obviously.
Well, I'm taking my baby and going to Calgary and we'll have our own Abba party there. It's going to kick your party's ass.
I am so envious. I wish we could be there.
Have fun you crazy kids!
I'm still totally feeling under the weather (it's now bronchitis--fun, fun, fun!) so I won't be able to join the party, but I want to wish you all a wonderful time.
CP, be sure to wear your Crocs if you want to scare people.
Have fun!
I'm still sad I missed this but I'm looking forward to the recap!
every word. how was it?!?!?
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