Gentle Readers,
I am serving on the host committee for a special screening of the restored version of "Parting Glances," a very cool film from 1986 that launched the career of Steve Buscemi.
Here is where you can purchase tickets and read more about the event which will take place on October 29, 2007. Kathy Kinney (of "Drew Carey" fame) was in the movie and she will be at the screening. I was told that Steve would be there too but I'm not sure.
If you decide to go, please email me and let me know so that I can claim credit for having sold your ticket. (I get no commission or anything; I simply have to prove my value as a host committee member. I'm constantly being judged no matter what I do.)
Poor George and I will be there.
Bring it to Chicago!
Steve Buscemi kicks ass. Tell him I said that.
oh how I wish to live closer
Parting Glances from those bug eyes? Tell Steve I love him!
I'll be there in spirit.
Cool! I love Steve Buscemi. I wished I lived in New York.
Melinda June you are so right! I too love Steve! I should be there; it is a Mon eve which is tough for me still I will do my damnedest.
Melinda June you are so right! I too love Steve! I should be there; it is a Mon eve which is tough for me still I will do my damnedest.
Whoa ... déjà vu, how did that come up twice?
I wish I could be there! Parting Glances has been one of my all-times since it came out. I have it on VHS and DVD. What a great movie -- and what a great night you'll haave.
Talk about a crushing love fest. He was just on 30 Rock. So love him.
Bring it to cable! I love his movies!!!
Wish I could go. Love Steve Buscemi. He's beyond talented.
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