Although Sushi's underwear-generated attacks on CPW may result in permanent blemishes, some good has come out of all this (aside from knowing how many great bloggers stand behind Poor George and me, that is.)
My recent post entitled Marriage Mayhem Redux: The Return of Sushi has won me a Rising Blogger Award!
Rising Blogger trolls the world of online essays looking for individual posts to promote and award. What a great idea. And since I regularly come across stunning pieces by you, my fellow bloggers and Gentle Readers, I personally will be nominating many of your posts in the very near future.
I would like to thank.... oh, wait, I guess no one asked for an acceptance speech.
Well deserved. Any prize money come with it?
Way to go! I'm proud of you.One for the team or something...
Excellent ... what a great country! The fight goes on with a pround banner in hand!
That is fantastic CP! YAY!
Well deserving.
You deserve it, sir! It is too bad that simply words cannot always overcome intolerance, or your words would certainly win most fence-sitters over.
Congrats, you certainly deserved an award for your cool level headed dismantling of that Momrom bigot.
Nice to see someone worthwhile get recognized. Good job!
Congratulations! A well-deserved honor.
awesome congratulations
You deserve some recognition, especially for that post. It was amazing and the best I've ever read on the topic.
Many congratulations on the award!
What do you mean, no one asked for an acceptance speech, and when did that ever stop you?
I won't be commenting much anymore, because I won't have the time. We are embarking on another big horse-related project - adopting a rescue horse and rehabbing him. The poor little guy sure hasn't seen much food in awhile, but there will be plenty of it at our house!
He can be seen in the forums at http://www.saddlebredrescue.com, where he has his own forum called "Gambler - Arab in NY". It might be a little hard to find, but I am required to keep everyone there updated with pictures documenting his return to good health and happiness! That's what will take the time instead of posting here.
I'm still thinking of PG and you, though. What great work you are doing!
Your Cousin Cathy
CONGRATS! You deserve it. I enjoyed the Squashing of Sushiboy Series.
And go ahead; we want to read that acceptance speech!
just make sure to include a reference to the "ding-dong of doom" like Faulkner did in HIS Nobel acceptance speech.
I will be in NYC from Sunday to Tuesday evening. If there is any ABBA festival I need to know about, please forward the information my way.
OK, so congrats and all - but I'm getting this mental image of a "rising blogger" and it reminds me of,
Well, never mind......
you know, I don't like carpeting. it's a pain to keep clean. I think I should lobby the government to make it illegal.
Come to think of it, I don't like underwear, lite beer, taxes, doing laundry, bad drivers and stupid people. can I start a lobby for each and every one of 'em??
You have to work Tuesday, right? I could get ya some RR tickets!
It tickles me to no end to see you recognised for the excellent wring you put out there.
You 9/11 post was one of the most moving articles I've ever read. I was so moved, I wrote one about Poor George intitled "Why Everyone Needs A George".
Your new title is well deserved.
Dear readers of the CPW:
Be very quiet about the Mama Gin Files, if the nominating committee saw these they would no doubt yank the award back real fast unless they have enough insurance coverage, which I doubt they do...
Take that, non-rising bloggers! CP REWLZ!
It's about time! Your stories are well written and entertaining. Love them.
Very well deserved! Mazel Tov, bubbie!
Reading that post now. I thought Sushi sailed away. I see he hasn't. Oy vey a shmear.
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