I was quite angry earlier today, despite it being Valentine's Day and all. Read my prior post for the context
But right now, all I can say is "thank God for Poor George!"
One homemade lobster dinner, three glasses of merlot, half a bottle of Proseco and one viewing of "Clueless" later I am not mad anymore! Funny how that works!
Some people in life are bitches, but with what I just described should it really matter?
I don't think so.
Happy Valentine's Day to all my Gentle Readers!
"Aaas iiifff??!!!"
Um...prosecco AND Jeremy Sisto in one evening? Look, I know it's like "couples day" and all, but couldn't you have thought to call me??? And you didn't even finish the whole bottle of prosecco! Aaaaaaaughh!
I gotta admit it, I loved Clueless too. I loved it almost as much as I loved that Mama Gin video the other day. My girlfriend and I now do Mama Gin imitations. Belated happy Valentines day to you and to PG.
Well, we had pizza instead of lobster Project Runway (recorded from Tuesday) instead of Clueless, and Malbec instead of Merlot, but the result was the same - it washed away the anger from my three day meeting.
Happy Valentine's Day to both of you!
Your cousin Cathy
You're so lucky to have Poor George. Who cares about Stupid Mary when you have a man like that? AND cute kitties!
Good way to close up a bad day.
Happy Valentine's Day to you and Poor George!
I totally heart clueless.
I spent my Valentine's Day playing darts. Ok, I never really played darts, I mostly sat on the couch and drank. It was good.
Oh, and have you seen Juno? You totally have to see it. I have a bootleg Oscar viewing copy of it, but I assume it is still out in theaters, right?
Happy Saturday after Valentine's Day! Sounds like you had a grand evening with some of your favourite characters!
Holy crap I am jealous. I made London broil and we watched "The Spanish Apartment." Not shabby, but no "Clueless."
The bottle of prosecco was duly finished, after which Romeo fell asleep on the couch whilst I went searching for a dagger...
That movie can bring anyone out of a funk... classic!
Happy Belated Valentine's to you and George!
Don't tell Anne about the lobster, she'll get jealous.
You two know how to live it up, as well as celebrate your love.
Hope the new product goes well. And if not they are making more merlot every day, but there can only be one George.
Best wishes,
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