Gentle Readers,
It's really a good thing I'm not a violent person because if I were, the amount of anger I am feeling right now could rear its ugly head and cause me to bitch slap a few Mormons.
I really shouldn't be surprised. It was only a matter of time before the leaders of this tax-exempt institution would launch their attack on gays and lesbians for daring to pretend they could ever achieve equal rights in California by ****gasp**** getting married!
I guess any work the Mormons might be involved in to feed the hungry or help the poor must be put aside until the sodomites are stopped in their tracks! Church leaders are telling their fold to donate "time and means" to ensure that gays and lesbians remain second class citizens in California.
Click here for the whole story.
What do you think we should do about this, Gentle Readers?
I have a hard time because all of these arguments against equal marriage rights are TOTALLY F*ING IRRATIONAL. When you slaughter your own sacrificial animals, and stop wearing clothing made of two different fabrics, then maybe you can explain to me how The Bible... you know what? No. When you start your own country in which there is no separation of church and State... ... How is this conversation still going on?!
I'm sorry, this was a rant, not a productive action plan.
slap them silly, it's all we can do. I think Jesus would have slapped them every single day
Priorities, dude. Sticking their holier-than-thou nose in other people's private business is far more important than humanitarianism.
The gay and lesbian community should counter by pursuing legislation banning two guys from locking their bikes to publicly funded stop and street signs during their door to door witnessing. You know, seperate chuch and state and all.....keep your $#(*)#$ church bikes off of state property. :)
Burn them at the stake...too harsh? They should be getting ready for the heat.
I think it's totally appropriate to dedicate a whole lot of orgasms to them and their cause.
GOSH! Why do you hate Mormons so much?? GOSH!!! You should devote your time to trying to make the world a better place, like me. I mean, GOSH!
Honeychile, you gonna need that breath for more important things. Can't nobody stop a religion from imposing what they think is right. Iit's how they sleep at night. "We did our part today!" they croon.
It won't affect you, whatever they do. People know the deal about Mormons. Honestly. The Angel Moroni? I mean, come on. Golden tablets on some mountainside given only to the one dude to come and spread a new gospel? Go on, pull the other one.
Joseph Smith and L. Ron Hubbard are having themselves a huge laugh in the Neverwhere.
Alan, nice touch with Joe Smith & L Ron Hubbard - those two really had it figured out.
I'm not angry over things the Mormons do that don't affect me. Their underwear is just a funny joke - I couldn't care less about that or their other little oddities.
However, what they are doing in the political arena DOES affect me. They are taking their tax-exempt liberty and using it to try to deny me rights. I have a HUGE problem with that. And I certainly shouldn't have to bear the tax burden in order for them to continue doing so.
The Mormons should not be allowed any not-for-profit status at all, but instead should be taxed just like any other for-profit company.
If they were honest they would stop throwing up all over the US Constitution and would try to change it to void the First Amendment, or at least the part that protects citizens from the tyranny of the churches. Separation of church & state is SO eighty-seven, Heather!
Wow, I think I agree with everybody up there!
Funny, I just posted on this same thing! Imagine that!
Shrink their underwear. Remember, you can't spell Mormon without moron. Absolutely crazy.
If Mormons think same-sex marriage is a sin, then they shouldn't marry same-sex couples and they should quit trying to inflict their ideas regarding marriage on everyone else. I think their time would be better spent loving God and loving their neighbors as themselves. Ooh, now there's a radical thought.
I wonder if they're against same-sex bathrooms too?
Seriously, gays shouldn't marry because marriage is a Christian institution. That's why Muslims and Jews and Buddhists and atheists aren't allowed to marry either. And come on, obviously the central idea to marriage is procreation- thats why infertile heterosexual couples shouldn't be allowed to marry either. As for the hundreds of thousands of kids in our foster homes? It'll be MUCH better off for them if they live without families for the rest of their lives than if gay parents adopt them. I mean come on, what if their gay parents made them gay? After all, gay kids only come from gay parents right? Seriously, these Mormons have it all right. Seriously.
Dear CP:
You will have to start slapping yourself silly if you keep things, er..., up the way you haven't.
In the immortal words of Mick Jagger in Sweet Virginia......."you got to scrape that shit right off your shoes".
Fuck those fucking fuckers.
There, I said it and I feel better.
Yet anothe reason to despise religious people.
Sodomites. Now there is a word I don't often run across in my blog reading. Shouldn't the Mormons be busy keeping up with the Osmonds?
Forgive me if this sounds naive, but if all the gays are asking for is a piece of paper, with a little gold seal, that says these two, forever more, are an item. I can't see where this is such a big problem. The Government uses a lot of paper every day, are the Mormons suggesting that they can't spare a little?
Or would they rather return to a much simpler time when girls were girls, men were men, and homosexuals were forced to where pink triangles on their clothes and hustled off to the gas chambers by the train load?
It wasn't just the merchants that Jesus threw out of the temple. He threw them out too, in a flurry of Watchtower pamplets.
Perhaps I've gone a bit too far, but how far have they (how many mormons are there by the way?)gone to hurt one-tenth of the population?
How about "love thy neighbor as thyself", not "love they neighbor as you see fit."
Perhaps the Mormons would be okay with gay marriage if the participants practiced polygamy...
Actually, now that you mention it, God told me that he was totally cool with two dudes getting hitched, so unless He comes and talks to them again, I think we can consider this the last word on the matter.
(As long as we're just making shit up, I figure two can play at that game.)
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