Although the 3jesus97 lady and I have become friends, she still alarms me on occasion. The other day we were talking about some of the trials and tribulations we face on the job along with our worries about the economy. "Be sure and vote for Obama," I told her. "He has the best chance to help us out of this mess."
"Oh, I haven't decided who I'm voting for yet," she replied. "I'll consider Obama but I would never have considered Hillary."
"You don't like her?" I asked.
"Well, no, but it's not really that. I just don't ever want a woman as President."
"Excuse me?" I was flabbergasted that she would say this.
"You heard me, Tom. I don't EVER want a woman in the White House. Women are crazy! We need a man running the country."
Now remember that Sandra is from Oklahoma, but still. She's a successful Strategic Sales Executive, like me, and on top of that she is a single mom. She is a woman and she seems to be doing just fine. I reminded her of this.
"Oh believe me, I know I'm going against my own gender, but I'm a woman and I know women. And we're all crazy. Women are too vindictive. They hold grudges. That will not work in situations involving international diplomacy. Men can stab each other in the back all right, but they'll still go out hunting and drinking together afterward and it will all be just fine. A woman would NEVER go out and socialize with people she hates."
All I could think was that Sandra's mother must have been some bitch.
I think Sandra is sick in the head and I told her as much. She agrees, but still.
But where is that PICTURE from?! I've never seen her look that crazy before...
I had to listen to someone talking about how women are horrible bosses because they are crazy bitches the other day.
Just you wait, muthafuxxa. I'll get me a promotion, and THEN let's talk about crazy bitch. WORD.
I'm at a loss for words. No, wait, here are some! Women like HER are crazy and shouldn't hold public office, much like Minnesota's Michelle Bachman, but the other 95% of us women are just fine thank you.
Fuck gender loyalty! Sandra is right. We women are all crazy and vindictive. We hold grudges. Unlike MEN, who would never THINK of dragging their country into a war, just to get even with some tinhorn dictator for trying to kill the president's dad...
Here, here, Alan, I say the same, great job diggin up the pic.
Sad but true, I don't like Hillary cuz I hate Bill. Mind you, I would probably take the time to get over it if she were a choice.
mnmom, if your statement is true, why is it that I only date that other 5%; it defies the laws of probability.
That still is not as bad as my co-worker saying that she won't vote for Obama because she thinks he is the anti-christ. And she was being serious too.
She's just maintaining her submissive posture as a woman, hoping that one day a nice Promise Keeper male will come along, cure her single motherhoodness and be the man of the house. You can't be a feminist and find the kind of man she's looking for. Sad.
Although, I must say I have a sister who is married to a Promise Keeper male and she seems to wear at least one leg of the pants in the family, which is cool.
How very, very sad. And, sadly, I've heard this same argument from many women. Don't they remember the steeliness of Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir?
If I were to stereotype women in such a group as vindictive, crazy, grudge-holding bitches then I would take another step and say maybe that's exactly what we need in international politics. You see where the good ol' hunting and drinking boy politics has gotten us!
I hold grudges and can be vindictive. Does that make me a woman?
Sandra, hmmmm, isn't that short for Cassandra.
"A woman would NEVER go out and socialize with people she hates."
That's completely untrue. Women love to go out with other women they hate, purely for catty fun.
Okay, so that's not completely accurate. BITCHES love to do that. Regular, good ol' women are pretty normal and not that different from men. Which is strange when you consider that neither sex has been able to figure the other one out by now.
I think the way we pick our candidates has become so screwed up that I am losing confidence in our electoral system. Seriously, it's like people think this is "American Idol" or something.
You know, people always talk about how women are crazy and unstable, but it isn't women you see shooting up shopping malls and schools, is it? That's totally a guy thing. We just develop eating disorders.
I'd call the "Clarence Thomas Of Women."
Sounds like Sandra and her mother, Joan Crawford, are two ruuul crazy beeotches and they think the rest of us are, too. Probably because normal women treat her like she's crazy.
She should try therapy.
I'm with madam z and my proof is at Camp Butler. And yes Grant, welcome to the revolution!! Vote Obama Bahama mama
Geez, Sandra, project much?
We are taught to hate each other, didn't you know that? IT goes along with hating ourselves. Competition. Divide and conquer...
OK. It's like my sis-in-law says:
There will NEVER be a USA woman president until we get through schliming up to the OIL SHIEKS! In that part of the country--a WOMAN has NO say!! Think about it??
We (women) are third class citizens, even more degraded than cows. So, the mentality of the political men in that part of the country is nothing toward women!!
SO if we have a WOMAN president, they would treat her like SWINE!!!!!!! Just saying?? Any thoughts on that???
Actually, I agree with Tina, and that is the main reason I wouldn't want to have a woman president, as long as our chief adversaries are the dickhead, woman-degrading Muslims.
Well, what you both (Tina and Madame) say make sense. Yet I would feel compelled to take the high road and elect a woman anyway if she were the best candidate. Tough titties for the oil sheiks.
Did Margaret Thacher have any extreme difficulties with diplomacy in the Middle East? (Not a rhetorical question; I'm really too lazy to research it.)
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