I want everyone to watch the video below. (Thanks to Skyler's Dad for sending me the proper embedding code!)
Not surpisingly, the Mormons are upset by this ad. I can't understand why; the effect of what they do has the exact same outcome. They just like to pretend they are so nice, that they don't hate gay people and that when they spew bile and hatred against us they are "just expressing their opinion" whereas we....
Well, I guess since we aren't full citizens, we don't have the right to our opinion. So I guess their anger is justified.
Enjoy the ad. I did.
Great post. Thanks for sharing the video. I only wish more of California voters saw it. I am really heart broken over the results of prop 8. So much for the civil rights movement.
I have always despised those fuckers. And now I know why.
It's funny, you can't even see their jackboots in this video. I'm sure the extended version has them sewing pink triangles to these lady's clothes.
"Say no to a church taking over your government"
I wish that had gone out as a slogan earlier.
Why, oh why did I never see this commercial on tv, and why did I see 10 "yes on 8" commercials for every 1 "no on 8" commercial?
Their ads were EVERYWHERE. Ours weren't. We lost because we didn't spend enough freaking money to educate people. How fucking sad is that?
Prop 8 ruined my otherwise great evening...But thanks for the commercial.
Wow! That was nasty! I agree with vikkitikkitavi. It's too bad this ad couldn't have had lots of tv time.
Even the mama gin wants to know, does this Georgie no longer married??
Prop. 8 blows!
So what does this mean for your recent marriage?
That is exactly what they are trying to do!!!
It's so unfortunate that people continue to stick their beliefs where they are not wanted.
I would have voted no Issue 8, why is it anyone else's business what people choose to do as long as there is love involved?
Keep up the fight, it's worth it!
Caffeinate them, Coaster! Caffeinate them!
I'm heartsick and disgusted by this.
As for the Mormons, they're the same people, after all, who at one time decided it would be just dandy to baptize Jewish Holocaust victims so that at least in the afterlife they could be good Christians. Ugh. It was only after some Jewish groups raised a fuss that they finally agreed to stop. (Btw, in doing some research, I found out that it's also alleged that the Mormons baptized Hitler. And the gays are the ones who are immoral? Unbelievable.)
I wonder what they'll try to ban next? Kosher food? It's not that they have anything against Jews, they just don't want their children to come in contact with bagels and knishes in school.
I've been thinking about you and PG all week and what Prop 8 might mean for newlyweds. I'm just sick about this.
I can't believe Prop 8 passed. I just can't.
I'm outraged that not only did this insane proposition pass, but that people we know were beaten up by the LA police during a peaceful demonstration, and were charged $20,000 each for bail for "failure to disperse". It's insane and it sickens and terrifies me.
Mormons hate more than just gays. They've committed violent acts against all sorts of people. No loving thy neighbor in this cult.
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