Thursday, October 19, 2017

I'm already smarter

Second day of my Facebook-free life, and I can already feel my intelligence growing.  Not because I'm subjected to stupidity on Facebook (I've removed most Trump supporters from my feed already) but because the time I would otherwise spend scrolling mindlessly gets put to something useful, like self-pleasure or reading print-worthy materials.

This morning after my email check I read the New York Times, and then over breakfast read a chapter in an actual book.

I am feeling rather disconnected, and I still have not received any of the numerous calls Mindy June promised me - but I did hear from my good friend Lex last night, who said "I called you because on Facebook you said you wanted people to call you."  He's a good rule follower. I like him. 


Anonymous said...

What happen to Facebook, it no longer belong to heeeem?...

Melinda June said...

Some of us have jobs that require excessive overtime this week. But it is the weekend now.