Legacy CPW members may recall that Mindy June and I maintain a separate American Idol blog so as to spare our everyday non-AI readers the agony of our endlessly annoying commentary.
We are hoping to attract more commentators for the upcoming 2007 season, and would like to invite any or all of you to apply for membership in American Idolarty: We Judge the Idols!
Mindy June has posted the application procedure on the site. You can email your request to join directly to me at cp.marytylermoore@yahoo.com, or by commenting on any of our blogs.
Note: Your blog must be on the New Blogger (formerly Blogger Beta) for you to be able to participate. This means I will have to switch over, which I am not looking forward to. My very most favorite thing in the universe (NOT!) is to spend ten hours dinking around with settings on my computer. Blech.
Note: blogger won't let me switch now for some reason. If I'm not able to before the season starts, I'll just create a new blogger account just for that.
Not if they all have eyes like that.
I can't switch either.
I've tried.
Too many blogs/posts/comments they tell me.
Consider yourself 'special', I say!
wel you shoul dhave switched eons ago like me. I will still not join the other blog simply because I have never seen an episode of the show and most likely will not start now.
They made me wait to switch. That made me feel special but only in the special bus way.
I had some terrible things to say last year in my inaugural year of watching American Idol. Is swearing heavily encouraged?
First of all, thank you for the entertaining and yet truly disturbing picture that accompanied this post.
A.I. is one of my favorite guilty pleasures (and I have many), but I really only enjoy the first few weeks while they're browbeating the horrible and tone deaf. Once it gets glitzy I tend to lose interest.
OMG! I have to join! Please, please, please?! I am an Idol junkie.
Soul Patrol! Soul Patrol! Wooooo!
Oh, sorry. That was SO last season.
Old Lady, I know what you mean - that picture is actually starting to creep me out too.
Dale & Jin, welcome to the ranks of the borderline retarded. Riding the short bus isn't all bad, especially if you are the most functional one there, because you can steal everyone else's lunch.
Oh and Dale, is bad language appropriate on WJTI? What do you fucking think?
Bubs, you and George are two of a kind on that one. He got me started on the whole thing during Season One - but when I got serious about it he freaked out.
That's great, Marni! Just remember, blogging with us is not for the feint of heart! So who was your favorite last season, and why?
I want to play ... but I don't watch "AI." Will you still love me?
I would like to try, CP.
My favorite last season? Taylor. Why? He made me smile. I loved his Joe Cocker impression - er - I mean, his dancing, spazzing, singing combo so much that I would wait with bated breath for him to come on. I loved his voice and only wish he could have played the guitar or harmonica on stage.
Close second was Kellie. Only because she was so darn goofy. I couldn't believe it was all real. Could someone really be that dumb?
I have both of their CDs, along with Chris Daughtery, and have to admit my favorite of the three is Kellie's. Can you believe it?
I don't know if that does it justice. You can read some of my comments on my blog... you'd just have to dig a little...
Whoa! I know Old Lady already pointed this out, but are their eyes SUPPOSED to look like that?! Scary.
you are so adorable. I can't WAIT to read your commentary. I don't watch reality, but I do love a scathing howard kossell.
You can play, Beth, but you would have to watch the show so that you'd have something to comment on. But we'll still love you whatever your decision.
Umm, Marni? You can still be on the team, just so's you're aware that if you had blogged about liking Pickler we would have had to taunt you mercilessly. We were so afraid she was going to suck up the entire redneck vote after Bucky left. But differences in opinion are part of the fun over at "We Judge the Idols."
Yes they are, Megan. They're starting to freak me out, too.
Sorry you won't be watching Katie, but I'll remind you to jump over & read now & then.
Humm, Paula looks like Latoya Jackson in that pic...
OK I am a reality show junkie, I would SO love to partake in this AI blog so please count me in, I never miss an episode!!
Paula *did* fuck LaToya's brother, Jermaine. Interesting.
Min, please send bluez628 and N.V. the stuff they need to join the blog. (Bluez, if your email isn't on your blog, please send me your email at cp.marytylermoore@yahoo.com)
Invites sent. Marni, do you need one?
That picture is both disturbing and oddly captivating
I may need to finally switch to new blogger for this.
That picture is scaring me too. I'm ready for a new post so the nightmares will stop.
I commented at the AI blog. Well, and I guess now at this one (duh).
I concur with grizzbabe... make the nightmares stop.
I remain a holdout, fervently clutching the old Blogger.
If it allows me to alter anyone's appearance to resemble the Idols in that pic, I might be changing my mind...
Min, Marni does need one.
I agree, Molecular Turtle.
Amy, I was confused as to whether you want an invite but I'll forward your email to Min.
Bubs, good luck. I still can't switch. I'm creating a separate blog (that I won't post to) just to join my former AI blog.
Grizzbabe, your wish is my command.
Tumuli, that's just sick. I hate that picture too.
I'd love to join in the fun!
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