Every now and again a blogger tickles my fancy just enough that I am compelled to plug her over here at CPW.
My latest favorite blogging event is a series Katie Schwartz has running on Lisa Whelchel, the buxom gal who played rich bitch Blair Warner on "The Facts of Life." I had read about Leezy becoming a Kristian and homeschooling her kids and such years ago, and as most of you know, I continue to harbor a sick fascination for religious zealots.
Katie has developed her own fascination with Leewee, which she demonstrates to her readership through a series of fan letters to Warnsey.
Oddly enough, Ms. Whelchel has as yet failed to respond to any of Katie's inquiries.
I think it's important that we continue to work to bring semi-obscure celebrities back into the limelight, as the South Park boys did for Brian Boitano. This is what endears Katie to me.
It is a new year, and as usual the notion of trying to be a nice person has crossed my mind. I am a bad man for continuing to egg Katie on in this manner.
But I can't help it. It's just too much fun.
Katie has too many Blair posts scattered about her blog for me to be able to reference every one of them individually, so if you are C-list obsessed like me, I encourage you to browse her archives to read her sundry tributes to Lisa.
oh my god. you are too generous. too much and too kind. thank you a million times over.
it warms my heart that you are as ocd about this nonsense as I am.
ps: we should do a religious post together. that would be hilar squared.
I applaud KS and CP for their mutual fixation on C-lister Lisa Welchel. But I'd like to clarify...the only thing buxom about that chick was her hair. The cinch belts created an illusion.
Why does no one obsess on poor Mindy Cohen?
KS, what are you calling "nonsense?" This is very important business! I think Warnsey is about ready for a joint letter from us...
MJ, I don't know. Last I heard, Mindy Cohen was not a Kristian and therefore not as easy a target.
I love Katie's letters to Lisa because Lisa's letters to the world scare the shit out of me. Thank you for highlighting this important service Coaster Punchman.
coaster, we so have to write a joint post!
ps: your addiction... warms my heart every time.
can I please have a link to your religious posts? I've been trolling your archives like a street walker! hook a jew up.
I have not been able to get past the PH how much is gas, oh I'm out of gas and throwing change from a $20 in the back seat. I shall dive in again!
You are correct to be afraid, Dale. BTW, have you seen "Jesus Camp" yet?
Katie, just do "search this blog" on CPW and type the word "Mormon" - you'll find plenty. Also try "Kristians of the Korn" and there's a post about that movie.
Old Lady, yes, you must venture beyond Paris Hilton and explore Katie's obsession with Lisa!
Katie, this should be the topic of our next letter to Warnsey!
I took a quick glance at Katie's work and determined I have to devote a solid block of time to studying it thoroughly. From what I saw, it is exceptional. I look forward to anything you two create in this vein.
So I think your pal Warnsey has probably not got a lot to say to Ms. Cohn these days, what since Mel Gibson explained how her people KILLED JESUS and all. But Tootie's recording Christian albums and has blond dread/braids these days. I bet she and LeeWee are tight. Praise JAY-SUS.
Did Tootie have that baby yet? I saw her on some infotainment show waddling a little. Maybe it's the second coming.
Funny you should ask CP, I will be seeing Jesus Camp shortly and promise to be scared.
kristians of the korn?! oh my god, cp, I am howling already and running like a dawg to stalk a plenty.
tootie hasn't birthed her spawn, yet? do we know if joe became a born again?
ok, I am such a tard, where do I do a "search this blog"?!?!?!?! I don't see a search box on the extension of the god that is coaster-p.
mormons and kristians of the korn.
hook a jewgirl up. looking to mainline you, sweetie.
I must confess, I rubbed out more than a few to Blair when I was younger.
Hilarious -- almost more so than the weight gain and feathered hair.
Holy crap, I just got sucked into that LW website for WAY too long.
You know, you and Katie have some responsibilities here...you can't just have your readers wander over to Lisa's website looking for a quick chuckle, only to get totally hypnotized by her frighteningly perky writing and family snapshots. Sheesh.
I think you've done a good job of bring her back. If you're really interested in seeing washed up celebrities you should check out one vs one hundred. I haven't seen Saget since Full House.
Yes Chris, Katie is our new hero. Thanks for joining the club.
MJ, looks like we'll have to expand the scope of this project.
I saw Tootie crying on a show about how hard it was to be a child actor, Dale. Check it out - it was heartwarming.
Can't wait to be mainlined, Katie. Is that like smoking crack?
Thanks for the confession, Creepy. I should introduce you to my cool high school friend (see newest post).
Tumuli, I heard the feathered look was coming back. Prepare ye the way of the Lord.
Bubs, praise the Lord. You've seen the light.
Molecular Turtle - Saget? Those are fighting word around here.
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