I got the job!
Sorry for the suspense, Gentle Readers, although I'm flattered that events in my hum-drum life are able to arouse at least a mild bit of curiosity.
I was on a very tight schedule yesterday. I had to be at a client's office in New Jersey in the afternoon, and the VP only had a very small window of time to meet with me. I went into his office, shook his hand and he sat down at a conference table across from me, with a serious look on his face. I had a bad feeling.
However, he simply proceeded to question me about the job, confirming my interest in the position, and clarified a few other things. Then he dismissed me, saying I would be hearing from them "in short order."
Then I had to pack up my stuff immediately and head home on the subway to get my car so that I could drive out to New Jersey.
En route to the Holland Tunnel in my car, I had to hang up on my sister when I saw call-waiting from Minnesota, the location of my company's home office. It was my new boss, offering me the job. Woo hoo! Then I almost had an accident in New Jersey, and ended up five minutes late to my meeting. After the meeting I wanted to rush back to NYC because we had dinner plans with some friends, and of course I got lost which is almost par for the course when driving in New Jersey. We were out late, and I didn't have time to log on to tell you the news.
Anyway, I am now a Strategic Sales Executive. I'm already working on my Amanda Woodward impersonation, which I expect to have down pat by next week. I'll get back to you on that.
Thanks to all for your good wishes, and especially to Dale who offered me his mercenary services in case it didn't work out.
ps: Don't tell anyone, but my new boss confided to me that I beat out someone very senior for this job. I wouldn't have chosen myself over this guy, except that I have better personal hygiene. I guess that counts for something.
YeaH You!!!!!!!!!!
Told ya! Except I'm sorry you didn't get a free lunch out of it. I work in a Sales Office as well.
Congrats and don't spend it all in one place.
And in celebration, the Police are reforming, just for you, to perform "Every Breath You Take" at the Grammys!
Fantastic! Yay! Congratulations!
Now you will have new business cards to hand out!
Why did I think you were a lawyer or something?
Personal Hygiene goes a looooooooooooong way.
Sorry my home state waylaid you, but that's how we stave off invasion: really confusing signs, or none at all. Plus lots of really aggressive people in SUVs.
Congratulations, on both the job and your pleasing odor.
Yes, congrats on both the new gig and the superior hygiene. They say 'cleanliness is next to godliness', so you're in a hell of a neighborhood!
Congrats on the hygiene and for not killing yourself on the way home! My goons are always at the ready. Way to go CP!
Congratulations! You rock!
Great news, CP! I expect you'll put Heather Locklear to shame!
and the hygene part would be important if you meet clients
Congratulations Antoshka!
Well done!! I'm glad to hear that your superior personal hygiene put you over the top. Now go enjoy that champagne.
Oh, PS: I know Dale means well, but if you ever REALLY need some merc work, I know people.
Con-DAMN-grats, you Strategic Sales Exec you. I feel giddy just knowing someone so strategic. When I hit NYC this spring, I'll take you out for celebratory cocktails.
I think I can help on the Merc front as well. Hmmm... Maybe Bubs and I need to go into business with Dale... Hmm......
Congrats, Mr. Punchman....
So, why aren't we ruling the world? With strategist Amanda Woodward and most of belonging to FOAM: Friend of a Mercenary, we're sure to kill!
Patty Duke is losing control to rock and roll for you!! YEAH
(I know you called and told me but I just wanted let you know Patty congrats you to)
F.O.A.M. could be the militia for GEWS for GESUS maybe?
You say you want a rev-o-lu-tion Bubs?
A GEWs for GESUS militia??? I love it!
You suck, you bastard. Obviously your boss was high to even consider you.
Thought I'd throw that in to keep your head from swelling. Of course, you can spend a bunch of your new-found income on me and I will be happy just making fun of your newly-pompous ass behind your back.
Congratulations! I tried to congratulate you earlier, but Blogger locked me out. So, congratualtions now! Now go kick some new job ass!
Congratulations. Do you have to be crazy to work there? Does it help? Could you land me a job, too?
Better late than never?!!?
So, does this mean you'll actually have to work instead of blog?
Why is this good?
Will you still talk to me, Mr. High Falootin' Job or will my people have to call your people?
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