Gentle Readers,
I enjoy reading everyone on my link list, though I don't always find the time to visit every single one of you each day or even each week, depending on what is going on in my life. Hell, just tonight I realized I hadn't been to my own sister's blog in weeks.
Tonight I have insomnia (gave all my damn pills to Lulu!) - so I'm awake and doing some catch-up work. I just came to the crushing realization that I have been link-dumped by at least one of my gentle readers. Ostensibly for lack of visiting lately.
I feel like shit. It's been a long time since I've been broken up with, but I think this is kind of what it felt like.
Oh, and there are a few of you out there to whom I have promised links. It's all coming. Sometimes I just can't bear the thought of opening that damn template file, so please understand.
Yeah, I'm not on your list, but what ev rrrrrrr...
At any rate, you shouldn't have to do your editing through the template option only...can't you do it Customize, which is at the top of your blog (if you're currently signed in?) And it gives you the option to Arrange Page Elements, and that way you avoid the whole HTML editing...?
When life hands you lemons make lemonade but when life hands you carp, trust me don't make anything!! Sounds like a hallmark card.
doesn't getting link dumped suck? you wouldn't think it would smart so much.
Never mind! I added you to mine to make up for it :)
What blog are your links on?
Ah Tanya, both you and Hapabukbuk have been owed links for some time now. And I know what you speak of regarding the new blogger way of managing the template. However, since this particular layout I have was designed under Old Blogger, those fancy new template managers are not available to me here. Which mean I would have to do a complete re-design, which I am not about to do right now. Unless you'd like to do it for a fee.
Yes Marg, and if it's chicken shit you make chicken salad, no?
It's really quite painful, Hapabukbuk. Although I haven't actually shed tears yet. Working on it, though.
Thanks Freelance, though I don't see myself over at your place yet. Not sure I get the question - my links are just at the right of this blog. But then again I'm borderline retarded.
well i have never been dumped or deleted any links (not even yours) so I cant offer an opinion
Quit cryin' awreddy...fine, I'll do it for you! Jeez, like I don't have enough to do every day, with the napping and eating of chocolate pudding...
(although I thought they weren't letting anyone use the old templates any more? But, yes, if I can help, I will, because then then when Rowbear and I go down there for a weekend, you can babysit!)
CP, I for one understand that a busy strategic sales executive won't always be able to visit his blogging friends and comment.
I know I read lots of really cool, informative and entertaining stuff on other blogs and don't comment. Often it's because I just don't have anything clever to say, or some other astute commenter has already said what I would've said, only better.
One more thing, if you like we can create you a Wordpress blog, too...they're pretty.
Dino, what do you mean by "not even yours?" Should I be worried?
Ah Tanya, I will muddle through and fix my blog eventually. Meanwhile, enjoy that pudding. And I remain fiercely devoted to Blogger, so forget talk of this Wordpress. It frightens me.
I know what you mean, Bubs. I am often awed beyond the point of speaking or writing. Such as when I read Martha Dumptruck.
Haha! When I read this I quickly checked to see if I accidently deleted your link!!!
*WHEW* was I relieved when I saw it wasn't me!
(Because I know what you are capable of...or...rather, I fear what you would be capable of...)
Who is this person that dropped you? I will take care of him or her.
Just remember, you will never be dropped from Grant Miller Media as you and Vikkitikkitavi at Bells On were among the first to link to me.
Jin, I'm so glad you remembered to tremble in my very presence.
Grant, Vikki and I are clearly trendsetters of the most awesome variety.
It would take an episode of Michael Richards or Mel Gibson proportions to get dumped from the Bad Lieutenant's Wife author links. So as long as you handle your hecklers and DUIs with grace, right?
I added you for free but I'll dump you for 50 cents. That's just how I roll. Okay, maybe not.
Hmmm... would spewing vitriol against the Mormons count as a Mel or Michael episode, Write?
50 cents is all it would take Dale? My, you are a cheap date.
Grant Miller is such an asskiss...
That's ok Echo, we encourage that around here.
Don't you worry, a link will be coming for you on my page. Just have to figure out how the heck to do it! Courage!
i would never break up with you, even if you broke up with me!
Nah, we all have blank spaces! I have been cyber sluthing and playing Puzzle Pirates myself. Plus work and spring planting have become overwhelming! I still check on you my wonderful cyberpal and will NEVER unlink you!
We still love you, CP.
*pokes with a stick to see if you're still alive*
Tanya will help you with those links, Turtle.
Don't worry Katie, no one's breaking up with anyone at CPW!
I was wondering where you'd gone, Old Lady. I'll check back for new posts.
We love you too, Deadspot. Mean it.
"Hmmm... would spewing vitriol against the Mormons count as a Mel or Michael episode, Write?"
Probably not. Though I've gotten along with Mormons all of my life, I have a latent distrust of anyone who doesn't view caffiene as one of the building blocks of life.
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