A number of my Gentle Readers already do the whole "secrets of the site meter" game on a regular basis, so normally I don't go into it because, well, I don't steal from y'all every day. I'm not Echo, after all.
But this one I can't resist. A few days ago I discovered that a Gentle Reader from Puerto Rico made his way to CPW with the following search string using MSN's search engine:
Free video of female dog fuck by mans
Not only did that elegantly crafted query bring this reader to CPW, the Internets' warmest and most welcoming family-friendly webspace; the search above also put CPW as #1 on "Pagina 1 de 22,925 resultados."
Isn't that just great?
LOVE it!
(and your labels, too ;-)
I get 5 searches per week, every week, at UNPLUGGED for 'midget transvestites'. I don't think they are joking like I was, either.
Umm... which page of yours did their search lead them to?
Jin, I'm embarassed that you found me out on the MT thing....
Lu, I don't recall exactly and I don't want to test it right now because I'm at work. But the reason it found me was that I had used all of those words in a post, though not right next to each other. You know I say "fuck" and variations thereof a lot. I think it also picked up the "man's" in "Punchman's." Lucky.
Jin, old friend, I'm embarassed that you found me out on the MT thing....
Ulu, I'm not sure exactly and I don't want to test it right now because I'm at *mi trabajo*. However, the reason it found me was that I used all of those words in a post, but not right next to each other. You know I say *potty words* and variations thereof a lot. I think it also picked up the "man's" in "Punchman's." Lucky me, I guess.
Thank you! This was my first Carlos Mencia Steal A Comment On A Blog!!! WOOT!
Echo, it's always such a pleasure being ripped off by you.
Amazing that site meter. I haven't read mine in months!
I know Old Lady, I rarely check mine. But when I do the first thing is to look at what searches brought visitors to you. It is often funny. Or sad.
This is exactly why we need to be teaching our students more effective Internet research skills!
Even though I'm sure CPW was a serendipitous find. :)
Where's the video?
oh, cp, that is so funny!!! and here I thought this was a god fearing, christian meets mormon blog. well, I'll be dipped in dog shit.
I love the sitemeter searches however mine are alway PG - like penne ala vodka and au pairs. stuff like that
WT is right. This example clearly illustrates the state of crisis we are in with regard to education.
Dale, I thought you'd been put on probation for watching those Antonella vids at work. Didn't your maw ever teach you not to shit where you eat?
Katie, we may not be God fearing, but we are Kristian and Mormon fearing. Big distinction.
That's ok Dino, you'll learn to be vulgar with enough practice. Just stick with Jin.
That's it. I'm through reading my kids your blog before I tuck them in each night, you sick sicko.
Are these the kids you don't know about yet, Chris? Or the kids who are a glint in your eye? Or maybe the Assman?
What can I say? Angelina inspired me to pick up a couple Vietnamese babies. Pictures to follow...
I always suspected you were into some fucked up shit.
Additionally, Ole!
That's messed up and I didn't want to know. It reminds me of when one of my closest friends told me of a gay porn site. Shit now I have live the rest of my life with than walking around in my head.
When I first installed sitemeter I was eager to find all kinds of perverted search strings, but no luck yet. Guess I need to post more key words like donkey and latex.
No kidding Chris. I'm glad you're going the Vietnamese route; African babies are SO 2006.
Grant, I learned everything I know from you. It all started with your goat porn.
You have gay porn stuck in your head Eebie? Lucky.
PFS, I'm sure you can think of something sick to do with that cello. Or the slippers.
Well done, CP! I had a reader find me the other day by searching for "quadruple amputee nude pictures"
Someone's really going to have to start monitoring Grant Miller's Internet usage, Bubs.
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