There are steps I can take that may help me begin to like my job, but I keep putting them off. This is exacerbated by the fact that I am the world's worst procrastinator. Just this morning I looked at a few websites designed to help you stop procrastinating, but I was overwhelmed by the amount of work it would take to do the things they suggest.
I read "The Road Less Traveled" a number of years ago. The author, M. Scott Peck or whatever his Kristian name is, wrote at length about doing clinical therapy for years on end with a woman who could not stop procrastinating at work.
After several years of working with her, he gave up and basically told her "you know what your problem is? You're fucking lazy."
I am doomed.
I'm Beth, fellow procrastinator. Do you ever lie around on the sofa, thinking about how your procrastination is going to get you in trouble and triple your stress level ... and yet still spend the next two hours watching dust dance in the sunlight?
How would you like a job as a Stategic Sales Executive at The Official Site Of Grant Miller? You have the attitude we demand from our employees.
The older I get the more I procrastinate. Yeah, I like fucking off!
HI BETH! (Said in groupwise 12-step style...) Actually I would never waste my time watching dust dance in sunlight. I prefer to waste my time surfing for random useless web articles such as "how to stop procrastinating" and "test yourself for ADD!" (I have it, the way)
I would take you up on it Grant, but I fear I would also get the salary I deserve. And I can't afford to live on nothing.
Yes Old Lady, I've taken all the "fuck off!" advice way to seriously in my life.
You say you're '...the worst procrastinator...' but you're an excellent procrastinator! All those freaks finishing projects and doing stuff are the worst procrastinators.
I see your useless web browsing and raise you a 'taking 42 books out of the library on writing and then not reading them, and still not writing...'
CP, I'm busy reading blogs so can you please plan my lesson for tomorrow and grade these quizzes I gave on Friday? Thanks.
Wow Tanya, I'm impressed. I haven't pretended I might read a book on writing since I was a freshman in college. And I'm sure it shows.
OK Megan, but can I wait until "Idol" is over? I promise I'll get to it then.
I was going to come with a clever comment, but that would be too much effort.
(everyone is ADD, some of us just get better drugs)
If it can't be clever Lu, how about sarcastic? That comes naturally, doesn't it?
i am too a progcrastinator. when you find the cure let me know
I would but I probably won't get around to it.
I was going to comment earlier, but you know...
Spoken like a pro, Dale. Need a new job?
CP, what about a job switch? I'll do yours, and you do mine? I think this could work out.
Oddly enough Bubs, I do often have the urge to shoot bad people....
I was going to think about a job change but....okay, I'm too lazy to even finish the half assed jokes. I'm sad. And old. And lazy.
We don't mind half of a half-assed joke around here, Dale. I guess that would make it a quarter-assed joke?
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