National drugstore chain seeks surly, mildly retarded professional for full-time counter work. Successful applicant will possess no discernable customer service or problem solving skills, yet will have demonstrated ability to ignore long line of customers while taking personal phone calls. Experience with providing churlish responses to customer inquiries is a plus, and applicants with prison or reform school records are strongly encouraged to apply.
Move down here, ours are nice.
I'm laughing so hard I'm crying and I'm pretty sure the good folks up in "Daloot",MN can hear me! I'm going to print this and leave on the Walgreen's counter for my friend "Priscilla."
I am sure that person waited on me. I think her name is Evilean.
For the most part, my local drug store personnel are nice, but every now and then...
Ah reform school, those were heady days.
I wonder if leepee applied... this gig is right up her alley!
I remember saying once, when I was really angry and trying not to reach across a counter and throttle someone: "Dude: you're a retail clerk in a shitty job. Don't take it out on me." He finished the transaction quickly after that.
One of the clerks at our Walgreen's really is mildly mentally impaired. He's always really nice, though.
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