My cats, the cutest cats in the world, have decided they are going to be the kind of cats who jump up on tables and knock over water glasses. I've seen this problem in other cats, but never in any of the 21 cats I have owned over the years.
I always assumed the glass-knocking-over problem was merely indicative of certain personality defects in the owners of said cats. I'll admit, I have always been fairly smug about the genteel behavior of my cats.
But tonight I'm singing a different tune, because the glass-knocking-over problem is happening to me now.
I'm not going down without a fight, however. If this continues, I'm going up the river. And I'm taking names.
OHMYGOD! This is my cat! Well, our cat is black, but he does the exact same thing, even though there is water right beside his food.
I'm going to try and take a picture of my cat doing that too, and will copy your post.
Tanya, unfortunately (or fortunately?) this picture is not my cat, but it could be because my guys are orange tabbies and obsessed with doing just what this cat is doing. I will look forward to your cat posts.
One of my cats does the water thing. I always go to bed with a glass or cup of water on the nightstand in case I get thirsty in the middle of the night. Despite there always being water in their bowl, she prefers to drink from my water, and when the level is too low and she can't reach it she tips the glass, which results in it spilling, usually onto my bed waking me out of a deep sleep. It's a good thing she's cute...
Until I see more evidence, I'm blaming the owners.
Tacky, but plastic glasses rimmed in Alum. Dad use to put it on his fingers so he wouldn't bite his nails. Get it on the tongue and it's pucker city.
one word WATERGUN! I trained my kitties with it and it works wonders now they are the adorable felines you can see on my blog.
Ed prefers flower vases. Grrrrrrrr.
One of my cats is eating the water balls out of my floral bowl. I cringe at what the result may be!
bunch o' bitches!
jewcifer's latest are snatch and runs. ooh, that sounds creepy.
lemme splain... I had a nicely wrapped box of chocolates to bring to our vet as a thank you for tolerating my incessant can you cop a feel here, there and everywhere on louie because I'm certain this one is THE LUMP.
I left it on the counter and ran out for five fuckin' minutes. WELLLLL, when I got home, the box had been unwrapped quite nicely I might add, and each chocolate had been removed from its wrapper and eaten.
bunch o' bitches, I say! I feel your pain.
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