Monday, February 05, 2007

Can I just tell you?

Our new kittens have taken a shine to our nicest and most expensive piece of furniture, a (formerly) lovely upholstered chair in the living room. If things proceed as they are, this chair will consist of four metal legs and a ball of thread in about three weeks.

My friend Pearl told me to cover the entire chair in Saran Wrap, the idea being that when they try to claw it they will get stuck on the plastic and never go near the chair again.

I'll admit, wrapping the chair was kind of fun, at least after I got the cats to stop trying to play with the plastic while I was unrolling it.

Now that the chair is covered, the cats will not leave it alone. They currently possess little interest in any activity that that doesn't involve climbing all over the chair like monkeys, using it as a launch pad to make gigantic leaps onto the dining room table, playing with the ends of the plastic in an effort to unwrap the chair, and finding ways to go right underneath the wrap so that they can work the upholstery with increased fervor and delight.

This little experiment has failed. Pearl is going to be fired the next time I see her.


Zed said...

Okay, let's get real here CP.

What's more important? The lovely, upholstered, no-doubt-much-costly chair ... or your cat's momentary happiness? Your cat's momentary happiness is the only possible answer. Case closed.

Coaster Punchman said...

Well Zed, I like both. Personally I preferred the days when we declawed the kitties' front paws. None of my cats ever seemed to mind.

Oh, and for the record, the cat in the pic is not one of mine- I just searched the net for a picture of a cat clawing a chair.

Joe said...

You're going to fire Pearl? I think you've gone mad with power.

What about declawing their front paws? The cats, that is, not Pearl.

Moderator said...

At least you can pee on the chair without any fear of stains.

Megan said...

No no no! No declawing! You know that declawing is not just removing the claws but amputating the toes at the first joint, right? Ow!

How about Soft Paws?

wonderturtle said...

It seems that your cats, like most of us, want it more if they can't have it. So much for animals being on some higher spiritual plane.

Molecular Turtle said...

That's such a cute cat. I have a couple of pieces of advice for the clawing thing. The first is get a spray bottle and squirt everytime the claws come out. The other is to move them to the scratching post when they do it, after spraying :)

Dale said...

For a real mood lifter, I recommend the spraying too. Alternate between the cats and Pearl for maximum enjoyment.

Don't declaw them please.

Old Lady said...

I have six cats, in doors and with claws. I have never declawed a cat, but I have not found a real solution to their clawing. I have one plan, to turn a spare room into a cat room with logs and hanging ropes from the ceiling, toys, the cat box, stairs, food and a cat door. May that will keep them occupied!

Creepy said...

I had both of my cats declawed. While it may seem barbaric if you put a good deal of thought to it, the cats were back to normal after 24 hours or so and show no ill effects. They run, play and attempt to scratch things like any other cat. Although each of them pissed in my bed upon being brought home after the surgery.

Mombi said...

I heard the same thing about alumnimum foil, that they don't like the sound of it.

Mine think it's effing hilarious!

Dino said...

i can not believe you'd consider declawing the kitties. How rude. Water spay bottles work well as do loud noises.

Melinda June said...

I'm all about the declawing. Declaw away.

Tenacious S said...

Quite a pickle. Edward also likes to destroy furniture. Sure is cute, though!

Old Lady said...

Since you're a city boy, have expensive furniture and they will be in the apartment it would be ok. I know some declawed cats and they are pretty cool. Personally, I have escape artists and big woods behind my house, so I did not want to declaw them, also I don't have expensive furniture. I spend all my money on flowers and pet food!

GrizzBabe said...

I'm with Melinda June. I've had more kittens dangling from my breasts by their claws than I care to remember. I've been tempted to rip those things out myself.

Jake's Mom said...

Why aren't you de-clawing?