I am strangely saddened by the news of Anna Nicole's death today.
I had wept for her back in September when her son Daniel died suddenly, having observed in recent years, all too closely, the devastation the loss of a child can have on the parents and family.
George and I watched Anna's TV show religiously, albeit in a gawker-slowdown kind of way. It seemed apparent she had wetbrain from imbibing in too much of God-knows-what over the years. We mocked and ridiculed her each week, and certainly held very little respect for her, if any.
So why am I shedding tears over this news?
Maybe it's because I see Anna Nicole's life as tragic. The girl was from white-trash roots and was making her way in life as a stripper when she had the good fortune to land the Playboy gig that led her down the road to wealth and infamy. If it weren't for that one turn in the road that got her noticed, she would have gone down like so many other poor, uneducated, underserved and underinsured people in this country. Like that inbred cousin who guest starred on her show a few years ago.
And that is something to cry about.
RIP, Anna Nicole. Say 'hi' to Daniel for me.
yeah i was watching the press conference while i got an oil change and it took me a minute to realize they meant she was dead. I feel bad for the baby
I was surprised too at how shocked I was at her death. As crazy as she was, I had hoped that she would one day triumph over her dead husband's family.
Holy crow CP; once again we have parallel thoughts. Check over in my shell for more...
I made fun of her only last night catching her slurred interview on ET. And I was quite shocked by it too. And now the coverage will go on and on. I hope she's found some peace.
CP, I feel awful that she's left a child behind that will never know its mother and that she clearly wasn't receiving the help that she needed. That's a tragedy any way you slice it, no matter who it is.
I wrote about Mormons today. Or a Mormon. I thought you should know, Mr. Punchman.
CP, I'm also saddened. I think, at times, she was absolutely one of the most gorgeous women around, and it was sad to see how hard and pornified she started looking after the "weight loss" the past couple of years.
That being said, that picture you posted is a creepy reminder of one of the ugly rumors going around--about the real paternity of her daughter. Ick.
I am sad as well even though I never watched any of her shows or knew much about her life. I feel sorry for her daughter Dannielynn and hope she is not held hostage in the fight over paternity. I hope Anna is finally at peace and re-joined again with her son. I can understand the pain of losing a son. Peace Anna.
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