Dear Gentle Readers,
Over the past few days, I typed up two of the unbelievably profound and/or hilarious essays that you have come to expect, if not outright demand, from CPW. Each time, when I was almost ready to publish, God damned Blogger wouldn't let me save, and I lost my work.
Don't tell me to type it up in Word first. Every time I do that, God damned Blogger inserts some weird ass code into the text and everything is fucked up.
I haven't had the heart to attempt to recreate my unbelievably profound and/or hilarious work yet. So stay tuned.
ps: From now on, let's all call it "God damned Blogger," please. So what if it's free? It can still be a piece of shit.
I've switched to the new Blogger beta, and it hasn't had those problems that plagued the old Blogger. I definitely recommend the switch!
I thought your God damned Blogger site was a fucking family friendly spot? God damned Blogger. It's made you all yelly.
Lesley, I've been meaning to make the switch, but it's all such a pain in the ass.
Yes Dale, my blog is still a family-friendly webspace, so watch your God damned mouth please.
There is a setting in word that you can click that turns off the special characters and then when you copy and paste into blogger it doesn't generate the crazy stuff when you used symbols like ' and ".
If you want to know more I can go look it up for you (I am on my mac right now and on mac I only use open office, so I can't look it up right this second).
Thanks Real - if it's easy, just let me know when you can. One thing I find especially annoying is if I try to copy a bunch of paragraphs at the same time, it crams them all together and makes me light a candle and hold my nose with my arms crossed as I put in 5 extra carriage returns to get the correct spacing. Grrr.
I am a fan of control-a-control-c of my posts before I click publish. Control V restores all.
You so funneee!! You maka me laff!
PS-Be careful with lineage famous people now-you don't want me breaking out my Presidential & Civil War relatitives!!!
I had this happen a few times and found in between saving helps. I also do the select all and copy before I save so I have it in the clip board
Yes MJ and Dino, I also do the ctrl-C/ctrl-V thing, but then the only place I have to dump it is into Word and then I have to spend almost as much time reformatting as I did writing to begin with. Pisses me off. In fact, that is what I did with the above "Poor George" piece, as profound and/or hilarious as it was.... what a shame it would have been to lose THAT! (I also had to re-post all the photos. God damned Blogger.)
Old Lady, I anxiously await your tales of fame, victory and crushing defeat in the political and miltary arenae. (arenas? help me out here Beth...))
Try god damn beta blogger. :-)
You know how when you're typing an email in GMail (I'm assuming everyone has GMail - why the hell wouldn't you?) it automatically saves your message every few seconds? God Damned Blogger should have that. Do the mail people seriously not talk to the blogger people?
My kids are used to hearing me saying "Fucking blogger."
Try typing your posts in TextPad or NotePad. I use TextPad and have no formatting issues whatsoever.
I agree w/ creepy.
I use notepad.
*two thumbs up*
Bluez, I definitely plan to convert to God damned Beta Blogger when I have about 15 hours to kill.....
Megan, no shit. I am signed onto that idea.
Grant, as long as they're not imitating some of the other things you say you do to your keyboard, they should be fine....
Creepy & Jin: I feel like a fool for never having thought of that. I followed your advice and am now much happier. Gracias
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