Just days after I told Lu that Chan Poling (formerly of The Suburbs) was no longer playing, she discovered, grace of our friend Trendy Wendy, that he is indeed in a new band.
I am officially shamed as a cyberstalker for not knowing this. I was fairly sure I had recently cyberstalked Mr. Poling and came up empty handed, although now that I think of it I may have just been checking to see if he had ever released anything on iTunes. Whatevs.
1980s Minneapolitans everywhere will be thrilled to see that elements of The Suburbs and Trip Shakespeare have now combined to form a new band, The New Standards. And they are playing NYC in January. Let me know who's in.
Ok everyone, I just checked the website for Joe's Pub - and I think the NYC concert I referred to actually took place last January. Damn. I need to get a friggin life.
Last January? I'm in.
Me too.
We all had a BLAST!
Hey -- we Georgians loved the Suburbs, too. I think I saw them live a couple of times (getting to those years where memory is occasionally hazy). And I'll be there last January!
I would go if I could.....Maybe I can. I've never been to NYC in the winter.
You City Slickers know so much about just everybody. I sometimes jes kaint kep up wit y'all.
Ok all, I will have to post a retraction. You are ALL invited to this show with me in NYC, although it is George's birthday so I may have to negotiate....
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