Declaration of the CP is a new series wherein we will announce the official policies of CPW. Check back often so that you remain in the loop, because we get mean when policies are violated.
Declaration No. 1: Ye hipster guys, we hereby declare an official moratorium on the half-untucked shirt look. It's pretty fucking stupid.
whats a moratorium sorry my english is still rocky in some parts.
It means we're over it.
Thank you , CP, for sorting out this abomination!
May I quote Six Feet Under?
"Nice stubble. When's your date? The whole 'oops I didn't know I was sexy' look won't peak until about... noon tomorrow."
You tell them CP!
Did they really think we were fooled by the faux casualness?
MJ: you're welcome
WT: That sounds like something either Brenda or Claire would have said, maybe to Nat. Am I correct?
OL: Thanks. I am!
B: CPW readers are all too smart to be fooled by anything.
Half-untucked? what about fully untucked. I don't remember the last time I tucked in my shirt.
Finally. But what about a moratorium on faux coolness? That's nearly as popular.
Hmmm...I never notice a tucked, half-tucked or untucked shirt?
I must be looking at something else.
You're looking at their cookies Jin, tsk tsk.
Coaster Punchman, you are my hero for half exposing this half crime against the half of humanity's who's noticed.
Wonderturtle for Jesus gets my vote for quoting 6 Feet Under!
GM: Tucked, untucked, both fine. It's the half & half that is annoying. It's a shit or get off the pot scenario.
T: You're on the right track there.
J: I have a feeling Dale is about to make a lascivious comment.
D: Hey look, I was right! That's why you're OUR hero!
Um...actually, I think it's the eclair. ;-)
(I have to make dale jealous now for dumping me. I don't take these things lightly you know!)
Actually, it was Nate said it to David, who was mortified.
And hey Dale, thanks man. According to Melinda June, this means I can also run for Scott Peterson.
Uh, I mean Patterson. I don't want to run for Scott Peterson. That would be bad.
Good catch Wonderturtle. I saw Melinda's post because I'm dedicating as much time as possible to being heroic, avoiding Jin (jealousy thing) and generally being a smart ass.
thanks I love learning the meanings of new words. And I totally agree - make up your mind tuck or don't but not half way. Also please pull up your PANTS I do not care what colors are your boxers.
Oh Katy, don't even get my started on the pants-down-to-your-knees thing. I don't even have the energy to attempt to correct that one.
Jin, I thought you saved the dirty talk about eclairs for Echo!
WT: Scott Peterson, now there's a hottie!
Dale: Remember, jealousy is bad for the complexion.
I work with a total little hipster dude, whi I actually really like, but not only does he wear the 1/2 tuck, he comes in and asks if the 1/2 tuck is working for him that day. Between that and the ironic tee-shirts.......
Oh no, please don't announce a moratorium on ironic t-shirts CP! I can't help it!
*jin whispers*
cp, I forgot that was echo...I thought it was dale...there are so many I never seem to keep the names straight! You don't think he noticed, do you?!!?
Lu: I've made it easy for you. Just tell your little hipster friend "NO. CP has issued a moratorium against the half-tuck." Then rip the tucked part of his shirt out, violently, and give him a wedgie while you're at it.
WT: Well, are we talking "ironic" in the Alanis sense of the word?
J: Hmmmm, maybe Echo and Dale = same person?
Neither of us noticed anything.
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