It is now 5:19 am. I've been up since 3:45. I don't freak out about the occasional bout of insomnia, and try to do something productive like catch up on my blog reading and commenting.
Today's random picture is in honor of our friend Lulu, who loves bacon. Blogger wouldn't let me post pictures the other day, so I wanted to see if it started working again. Looks like it did.
Melinda June posted a video of me tap dancing on a pier on Staten Island. I am available to entertain at children's birthday parties, bar mitzvahs, weddings, funerals and Festivus celebrations. Contact Mindy directly on her blog to book me.
And to those of you who continue to request it, I no longer do any nude modeling or wrestling photos.
Will you accept payment in bacon? How much dancing will you do for a pound? What if it's reduced salt bacon? Will the cat make an appearance for additional bacon?
A pound of Kevin Bacon maybe? Not that I'm so into him or anything, but I like how connected he is.
Seeing as how we no longer have a cat, I doubt she will make an appearance.
I go through a bout of insomnia about once a month for two or three nights. If it gets really bad, I start to have panic attacks about not sleeping. It isn't pretty. Then I'm tired AND freaked out. Hey, is kitty still hanging with rock stars?
Last I heard the owner of the Fugitive Kitty was still dating Moby, but I haven't talked to her in several weeks. In any event I'm pretty sure the FK has not actually met Moby, yet...
When my room mate gets insomnia it isn't pretty. Small apt(I sleep on the couch) & he decides to turn lights on and clack on the computer. Usually on a work night-hmpf! Maybe if he ate some bacon...
Insomia is brutal, as is bacon.
But what about the wrestling?!
I used to turn on the TV (no internet @ home) or read a book. Unfortunately, D can be fast asleep & snoring but the second I turn the TV on he's awake & grumbling. Now I just lie there & fantacize about Antonio Banderas (the way he looked) in 'Desperado'. *YUM* Right when I get to 'a good part' I fall asleep. :-P
Not just any bacon... *porn bacon*...
Mmmmmmmmmmmm thanks for the Bacon.
You know, Steve is connected to Kevin Bacon, he can get there in two, so you are three from Kevin.....
Now I want bacon ... and Bacon.
OL: perhaps it's time to get your own bedroom again. Or maybe you've already considered that!
T: Sorry, retired from that....
J & E & Beth: If Grant Miller were here he'd call you all sick and deviant.
Lu: Haven't I introduced you to any of my celebrity friends? I'm sure I must be only two from Kevin Bacon myself, but I appreciate the offer.
you;ve been holding out on me.
by "friend" do you mean people you actually know, or just stalk?
Oh how soon we forget. Don't you remember all the fabulous star studded parties that used to occur at Alex's place? (Alex is King!) Because of him I know various celebrities, our favorite of course being Nick the Porcini Mushroom
Lu, you and I are two from Kevin Bacon. Steve W was in Stir of Echoes with him.
I loved Nick the porcini mushroom! And I love Kevin Bacon. Kevin Bacon is like Matt Dillon...he will do any role that interests him, with no thought to his career or his cool points. He deserves to be famous.
Actaully I remember Roz from Fraiser and Nelly Olsen.
And don't forget Malcom Gets from Caroline... I made him dinner and was offended when he refused to sample my baked brie. But that was before he was famous about it.
he's famounsly anti-brie?
I worked with Darnell Williams who appeared in Short Cuts with Lori Singer who appeared with Kevin Bacon in Footloose... hmmm.... bacon....
And there was that handsome Eugene from "The Practice" who lived downstairs. Oh. And that woman Lisa who was a friend of Alex's and got a part on "Murder, She Wrote."
You're all so connected. Should I be frightened?
Lisa is most famous for playing Ellen's girlfriend.
Dale, you are famous to your thousands of blog readers.
You're a funny funny punchman man.
The closest I ever came to a 'celebrity' was when I was working at a restaurant in the DC area during the whole 'Marion Barry crack sting'. He came into the restaurant for dinner with a woman who claimed he was proposing to her. He spent the entire dinner in the Men's room. I wonder what he could have been doing?!!?
...and that's my only celebrity story. Pretty pathetic, no?
Funny is as funny does, Dale. (See my post re: making coffee.)
I thought people were really mean to Marion Barry, Jin. If smoking crack were the worst thing our President did, I might forgive him.
However, I did hear he was a notoriously bad tipper. That's never ok.
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