Day four went by with only minimal dysfunction.
1. We spent the morning at a flea market. There was a $5 admission charge, for the privilege of walking around to look at a bunch of crap.
2. I bought $67 worth of Tupperware at the flea market. There was a real live and in person Tupperware lady there peddling her goods. I've thought about getting a Tupperware lady to host a party at our house, but that just seems too gay. So I jumped at the chance to get some of the real stuff.
3. My mom and I discussed planning an intervention for my brother, but decided we're too lazy. We'll revisit at a later date.
4. My dad snapped at my mom twice during dinner - once for not passing the fish sticks quickly enough, and once for not giving him a piece of bread.
5. The aforementioned fish sticks were made by George from a live bass he caught in the river.
6. I paid my sister-in-law for the pedicures she gave to George and me yesterday, but not until we returned from the flea market. I didn't trust her & my brother not to spend all her earnings there.
7. My brother stormed off to bed in a bad mood as soon as we were done eating, resulting in a peaceful evening for the rest of us.
8. I kicked major ass in Pictionary.
Love, CP
ps: I can never listen to Dire Straits again.
I guess you'll have to save the tupperware on the off chance you ever have left-over enchiladas again.
It's because you're in them that you can't listen to Dire Straits right?
Ah Pictionary, that sounds fun. And George is now Capt Highlinering his own fish sticks? Wow.
An action packed Day 4. Time's tick tick ticking.
J: I am obsessed with the superior quality of Tupperware, so I'll store anything in it, really.
D: I can't listen to DS any more because that's what my brother was listening to at the time he began one of his meltdowns. The sound of their voices may send me into seizures. Yes, George is the master chef of all things that come from seas, lakes and rivers. Most of them edible. As for the tick tick ticking, sounds suspiciously like a bomb....
glad to hear there was not to much drama. I love tupperware but I am often to cheap to get it.
Real Tupperware? That IS a treasure!
I collect old pyrex from flea markets. Ours is free, though. Your brother sounds like one of my sister-in-laws. Has a fit if no one is paying attention to her and her boo-boos
The only thing that might bomb is one of my comments CP. I was listening to Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris before I read your Dire Straits rebuttal. Strange world. Good to see you tap dancing your way through it.
Glad to hear things are rather uneventful. Guess i shouldn't say that seems like someone's going to have a tupperware party. Quick question is there much of a difference between the real stuff and the knock offs?
Huh. I thought Gorton's had the market on fish sticks.
Congratulations on the Pictionary victory.
K & TS: Real Tupperware rocks my very world.
OL: I don't know what Rich's problem is exactly. He seems to have lost his marbles. We're hoping it's only temporary.
D: Tap dancing cures many ills, as I'm sure you saw on MJ's blog. Although then it causes some ills too....
MT: Yes, oh boy yes, real Tupperware is far superior to anything you can buy in a store. It also has a life time guarantee and you don't even need a receipt or anything. I can literally call up any Tupperware lady and tell her I have a piece my mom bought in 1960 and the seal isn't so great any more, and they will replace it. Not that I've tried that, but I have faith that it will work when I do.
B: Gorton's! They have nothing on our Poor George!
GM: Thanks. I am also known as the Skip-Bo champ of Wayzata.
1. Not only did I cook the fish, but please note, I caught the damn thing and fileted it too. Eat your heart out Arthur Treach.
2. Tom won at Pictionary but omitted mentioning that Poor George was his excellent partner. Tom holds the pencil too close to the paper and my x-ray vision has gotten so that I cannot see through his very large paws. Very difficult person to play with, but we won anyway...
3. Why don't they make tupperware big enough to put loudmouths in? or entire brother-in-laws, or entire dysfunctional midWest families???!!!
4. Help, I'm being held captive in a tupperware factory somewhere in the Wisconsin Dells.
1 through 4 -- hahahahahaha.
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