Jin recently wrote about one of her nightmares. It got me to thinking about the first nightmare I remember (other than the one that I lived for 17 years before I moved away from home, but that's another story.)
The first nightmare I remember featured Fred Flintstone. He was standing on a stone pillar that turned slowly in circles. His eyes were closed and he was dead.
Still creeps me out when I think about it.
Mine was my Raggedy Ann doll turning her head a la Exorcist.
Wow! I figured we had a spiritual connection!
Want to hear the last line that I left out?
I couldn't bring myself to type it just in case D ever reads it.
After the guy dropped & I saw D lying on the ground, I turned to the manager & asked if I could go pick out some food & candy before I picked D up.
*jin hangs her head in shame*
Yes, I specified "candy".
I'm so ashamed.
Anyone want a tall skinny Brit for 2 Snickers bars?
There was a Seinfeld episode where Elaine buys Jujee Fruit before rushing to see her boyfriend in the hospital. Coincidence?
Mine was about being kidnapped. In my dream I had a lemondade stand and made the mistake of giving *creepy dude* directions. I got pulled into the car and..........I can't talk about the rest.
I've had a few doozies in my time. Is there anything more heartwarming than a scream in the dead of night?
From Your Cousin Cathy:
I can think of something more heartwarming than a scream in the dead of night. That's when your dog Ozzy, who is one foot away on the floor by the side of your bed, suddenly, at three a.m., lets out a full-blown howl! Then he proceeds to run around the bedroom barking for ten minutes and you don't go back to sleep until it is time for you to get up at 4:30 a.m.
I rarely remember dreams, but I did have repeated nightmares about fires when I was a little girl. I blame the movie about the Our Lady of Angels fire that I was forced to sit through when my brother was a cub scout and my mom was his den mother. That was at least 35 years ago and I can still remember parts of the dialogue.
When I was a little girl, I dreamed that the Jolly Green Giant was coming to get us. We were all huddled in the kitchen, just waiting ... as we'd here the THUD. THUD. THUD. of his slow, deliberate, giant footsteps as he made his way to our house. Still scares the bejesus out of me (what's that bejesus doing in me anyway?).
Oh my Gentle Readers, kidnappings, screams in the dead of night, dogs that obviously see ghosts, fires, and the Jolly Green Giant - I think we need collective therapy.
And Cathy, you should take that dog on one of those reality shows where people communicate with the dead. I bet Ozzy would be a hit.
I have a recurring school nightmare that it's the first day of school and I turn to pass out my syllabus and I've forgotten to make copies of it. Once I even had a variation of the dream where I was walking down the hall on my way to class I realized I'd forgotten to make copies but then reassured myself that I had this nightmare all the time and everything was fine. Then, lo and behold, I got to class and the same old dream took over. No fucking copies.
Those are stress dreams, Megan. I have similar ones, usually involving my being totally unprepared for something. Like I am expecting 10 people for dinner and I totally forget until they show up.
Your collective comments have neglected to pay any homage or requiem to poor Fred Flintstone, what will Wilma and Pebbles do???
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