For those of you in the mood to waste valuable time, this spelling test is a fun diversion. According to the editor who compiled this list, these are the fifty most misspelled words.
I'm generally a fairly good speller, but I had to wrack my brain over a few of the -ible vs. -able words.
Good luck, and let me know how you do. No cheating, lying or crying.
I also liked her short essay on spelling tips and the virtues of good spelling.
I missed 16, but I have already publically proclaimed myself a terrible speller.
as evidenced by the mispelling of publicly above.
16 isn't so bad - you could have done much worse than that.
I missed 12 and I was horrified. When you were the Grade 6 class spelling bee champ, the fall is that much harder.
11. I missed 11.
I'm a solid "C" student: I missed 10
Kiss my grits!
Old Lady
Points for spelling everything right in your comment Old Lady.
I missed 5! I'm off to sulk now...
You only missed 5? That was meant to be my score!
I got them ALL right!!!
Oh, fuck...you said no lying didn't you.
I got 14 wrong, but those were all the "trick" ones, I got all the obvious ones write.
No. No good, cat can't read. Okay, you get marry, have baby.
For the record, I missed 8 but then it said I "skipped" 2 others (must have mis-clicked) and I'm not sure if the two I skipped were correct, so we'll split the difference and say I missed 9.
Looks like Tumuli is our star spelar.
Thanks for playing!
Tricky, very tricky!
I misspelled 9. One of which, ironically, was drunkenness.
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