No offense meant to our blogging friends in the red states, of course...I assume from your writing that you vote with us, anyway.
So instead, we will have a virtual celebration of Thanksgiving for the new United States of Canada. Below are pictures, both taken by Mindy June, of the first Thanksgiving in our refurbished apartment last November. George and I are seated with our wine merchant, Imran, and his lovely wife Emiri (who is also our friend.)
Today I give thanks (in no particular order) for dim sum breakfasts, Abe Vigoda, the French, and all of you!

I didn't get my e-vite.
My map shows *Jesusland* as *Dumbfuckistan*. Is it out of date?
This is from your cousin Cathy. Nice picture! Great smiles on everybody's faces. Nice apartment, although as you know, I think that living in cities is harmful to human health as well as the human psyche. It's alarming to me the way people have lost touch with their connections to nature.
I like to eat some turkey on Thanksgiving, although I avoid it the rest of the year. As a vegetarian, the occasional chicken or turkey is how I get to feel like I am being a bad girl!
That turkey looks scrumptious! I'm coming for November Thanksgiving - and I'm bringing Dale. Because I'd rather celebrate two Thanksgiving every year. Be sure to invite your and George's personal masseusse, too, okay?
BTW, you two are cute!
Grant, er, lost in e-mail?
Echo, that may be accurate but remember, I'm trying to run a family-friendly blog here.
Cathy, if I could a)support myself and b) not get beat up, I'd move to the country in a heartbeat.
Beth, are you still on even if Mama Gin is the masseuse? And thanks for the compliment - I've come a ways since third grade....
way to catch a flattering angle on the turkey there
Yes, it is rather graphic... I suppose I owe an apology to my vegetarian friends. (insert sheepish grin)
How appropriate! This Thanksgiving arrives just in time! Save me a seat and a juicy side of turkey.
Never ever give me a camera near a turkey. You will ALWAYS get that shot because it amuses me greatly.
Great use of the scroll-down surprise there. Well done.
Your Thanksgiving celebration looks very serene compared to ours. Did the spilled drinks and dogs howling come later?
CP-I think I might have some pictures of the Thanskgiving (or was it Christmas?) that you celebrated with me, tenS, and the rest of the SF gang. As I recall, there were some tasteless turkey porn shots that night as well.
Emiri is wearing your sweater isn't she?
That all looks lovely and I'm just happy to be a part of something bigger than that turkey's cavity. You guys look happy, the place looks great and a very Happy Thanksgiving to all my new fellow citizens.
Can we in Jesusland aka Dumbfuckistan secede? We already tried it once and it didn't work out, but I think we have a pretty good shot right now.
Do you want to secede? It's gonna be you and a handful of liberals with those red staters. Maybe you should just move up here with us.
LOL...I LOVE it!
'United States of Canada'
BTW, no apologies necessary as per the turkey shot. I'm one of those vegetarians that won't give you shit, as long as you don't give me shit! LOL!
But I will add that my Mom makes the most AWESOME Brioche stuffed 'tofurkey' with gravy on the planet!
Nice apt-Jesus Land, that's great. But remember that many of us live down here! We have braims! We are the closeted free thinkers of Dumbfuckistan!
Looks like Mr. Bean's turkey.
love the map and I can't wait for thanksgiving. I dont eat the turkey and Grumpy likes turkey but I love all the other stuff ... Home made mash potatoes, green bean casserol, stuffing and so forth. I usually beg Grumpy to stay in as we rarely get a chance to just veg.
i meant grumpy likes ham
If you're staying away from the turkey, I guess you are just vegging Katy!
Ok Tumuli, you can come, but as a warning we get pretty dysfunctional.
Min, you should compile a scrapbook of all your turkey shots. In fact I think scrapbooking should be our next hobby. We'll make them all cute & lacey & go to craft malls to buy our materials, and then the stuff we put in them will be all gory & disgusting. You in?
Bubs, spilling a drink will get you bitch slapped around here.
Lu, yes, it was Christmas. Yes, Emiri is wearing my sweater, oh friend of large Nordic sweaters you are to take notice of such things. Oh and I think Beth, Old Lady & Megan should secede as individuals and then remain where they are as resident aliens. But then again, we need them to keep voting down there.
Thanks Dale. I only know "O Canada" in French - will I be required to learn the English version, too?
Megan, I don't understand - are there enough liberals down there that would help you form a militia? Might be problematic, depending on your views on gun control.
Jin, I'm glad you're not offended and I would never give you shit except for when I become a Fruitarian, when I will begin to shun you for having the audacity to eat a salad.
Old Lady, I feel you - even though two out of the three midwestern states I lived in are still blue, there are plenty of crazies there that are trying to reproduce like rabbits so they can overpower us.
Katy, I think even many of us midwesterners may be putting the green bean casserole to rest. It's yummy comfort food, but.... well it's just kind of gross if you have more than about a spoonful.
Dale, you should do stand up with that ascerbic wit! :)
I'm game for anything involving Mama Gin!
yep you are correct dale and eating all the non turkey/ham goodies.
No more Green Bean Cassarole? I remember when they served it for dinner on Sunday's at St. Olaf. I used to have to take a serving even though I didn't like it, so Wendy could have seconds.
Speaking of Wendy, she is coming to Chicago for business next week and I am going to have dinner with her! How cool is that?
That has to be the most unappealing picture of a turkey ever. You should go into advertizing :)
Don't worry CP, the English version of O Canada is the same as the French one, only in English.
I might consider sit down (dinner) but stand up sounds too much like work.
Scrapity do dah!
Your casserole reminds me of a story:
A teacher was doing a section on comparative faiths. Each child was told to bring in a symbol of his/her religion and do a brief presentation.
A Jewish kid stood up with a dradle, and explained its place in his tradition.
Then a Catholic kid showed everyone a rosary.
Next, a Lutheran from Wisconsin stood up and said "this is a casserole..."
I will continue to pray for all of your souls...if you get marry.
Beth - you're on. Don't say you weren't warned.
Katy & Dale- you two, cracking me up non-stop....
Lu, that is way cool. Say hi to Wendella for me, and be sure to wear a large sweater and pretend to be me.
Bubs, I've heard that one, cute. I used to have a whole book of Growing Up Lutheran, each chapter punctuated by "This is most certainly true." (If you studied Martin Luther's Small Catechism you'll know what I'm talking about. If you didn't, never mind, it's not that funny anyway.)
MG - very funny, George.
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