Dale threatened to sic the Baby Jesus on me if I didn't follow his lead and post 5 (or so) Things You Don't Know About Me. So here goes:
1. I have no puzzle-related stories to tell with respect to skipping grades or being held back a year. But I did almost cry in second grade when I played with a puzzle of the fifty states ten minutes before the end of recess and was told by the teacher, harshly, that I had better have the whole thing put back together before the bell. Three friends had to help me, but we got it done.
2. I often prayed for my parents to give me away for about 8 months. Unfortunately, it never happened.
3. My body is free of tattoos. And piercings too, for that matter.
4. CPW members, you aren't even wondering about number 2, are you? I know. My regular readers have already surmised my upbringing was like Ordinary People meets The Addams Family.
5. Sometimes, I end up having sex in the middle of laughing. This is especially inconvenient when someone tells a joke during a meeting at work.
6. Bonus thing because #4 doesn't really count: I wish I knew what glib meant. I think it means something akin to smug, but I've never really been sure.
Very interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you can always make me laugh
I love sex in the middle of laughing. I'm giggling now ... how will it end???
Don't be so glib.
I have no idea why your parents wouldn't have given you away. Maybe if you'd started blogging earlier? Stop making your sister laugh.
Well, you are brave CP, for posting these right on your very own blog for all the world to see. I applaud you.
*jin applauds.*
Maybe I should take your cue and start joking more often...
I think the CP should consider laughing more in the middle of sex.
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