Gentle Readers,
George and I recently bought a new car. Today our new plates arrived in the mail. Here is what they read:
ABC 8666
(I changed the letters for privacy reasons, but those are the numbers.)
Usually I make fun of George for all his Chinese superstitions, but you know what? I do NOT want a car that has 666 on the license plate. It just creeps me out.
What would you do?
You are going to have ALL kinds of crazies chasing after you.
Maybe you should buy some matching paint and turn the 6's into 8's...or like, would that be bad if you got pulled over?
*hair flip*
It might be a blessing. Other cars will be afraid of you, so they'll avoid bending your fender or cutting you off in traffic.
Oooooh, keep it! I mean, assuming your trunk has plenty of room for all the goats and babies and stuff you plan to sacrifice to Satan.
No kidding, fellow bloggers. I'm getting rid of them. NO WAY am I keeping these. Either I'll get crazies as Jin mentions, or people will make assumptions that I'm crazy as Beth & Megan point out. Which may not be far from the truth. But still.
I would ritually burn both the plates and the car to cleanse any sort of bad mojo. Of course, I have been known to go overboard.
Can the cup holders carry chalices filled with goat's blood?
Funny Chris, should I throw self immolation into the pot? And why is your profile locked?
Grant: short answer, yes.
Sell the plates to Creepy.
Get rid of the plates already. And dump that creepy picture on the post, too.
replace one of the 6's with the #9. or, I would keep it and hope that I freaked people out. or, I would call them dmv in utter panic and tell them that the numbers give you severe anxiety and you need them to reissue new plates.
those ideas suck ass.
I'd get the most realistic shrunken head I could find, hang it from the rear view mirror, get myself a hot she-devil bobblehead for the back deck, and have some flames painted on.
Really? I wouldn't worry about it, because there are all those other numbers and letters that precede the 666. It takes the evil power away.
The letters on our plate are ASMN...as in...Assman!
I don't mind trading if you like.
That is NOTHING. I had a friend whose plate was KYL 666 (I don't think she has it anymore, and you don't know what state it was in, so I feel okay posting the whole plate).
I am not even kidding.
Either trade them in or wait for the local neighborhood Goths to pry them off.
[Just tagged you, CP]
Great idea, Dale. How much, Creepy?
How about I swap the pic for our AI pic, Min?
No they don't, Katie. In fact, I intend to initiate idea #3 very soon. Hey, did you miss my review of your blog below???
Bubs, you could be right. George also says the 8 negates the 666. Nonetheless, I just don't want it there. I would go for the shrunken head, though.
I love that Seinfeld episode, Tanya.
Yes Amy, that is worse. In that case there would not even be a debate.
I don't know if you've been out to Bay Ridge, Chelene, but we're a bit short on Goths. We seem to have a lot of Catholics, though; is that the same?
Thanks Beth - working on it! Love the Ali McGraw reference, BTW! Confidential from my friend Chuck who HATED Love Story: "Die bitch, die!" (That was for Ali, not for you!)
Oh gee thats too funny. I think I'd do Bubs idea just to freak people out while I wait for the new plates to arrive!
I might have to, Dino.
Counter the 666 with a Jesus Fish or a bumper sticker that reads, "No Jesus, No Peace. Know Jesus, Know Peace."
You should keep it, definitely! My brother once returned a 666 license plate, and I have never stopped ridiculing him for it. I have secretly wished for one of my own since then so that my entire bible-beating family would be horrified that I chose not to return it.
Well Valerie, as creeped out as I am, I still would not go that far.
Is that you, Sparks? Does this mean you'll ridicule me now? As amusing as it is to poke fun at the Kristians, I will still have to return it just because I find it disturbing. One of the reasons I hate the Kristians so much is that no matter how hard I try, I cannot shake some of the fears they put into my head when I was young.
Yes, it's me!
Of course I won't ridicule you! My brother returned his 666 plate because of genuine religious piety. You're doing it just because it freaks you out a little. Totally different situation...well, maybe not totally, but different enough.
Agreed. Thanks.
Besides, we know how much you hate the devil. THerefore you should not carry his sign around, lest you conjure him.
Done. Ordered new plates today. I'll wear the sign of the beast for about three weeks only. Maybe that will be enough time to cause the gruesome death of Dean.
Thank you Dale! LOL You read my mind! Sell them to me!!!
Laugh maniacally and wear glitter horns.
I'll need at least $43 Creepy, since that is what it's costing me to replace them. If this were about anything else I would not even believe I am going to the trouble. (And as you know I'm not even a Kristian!)
I already do that, Old Lady.
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