Our doctor looks kind of like John Mayer. He's also just as nice as John Mayer, and not nearly as slutty. Like John Mayer, our doctor grew his hair out recently and put on a little weight. My friends know how I like the paunch.
I saw our doctor today. I like the days when I get to see our doctor. In fact, I usually pretend all sorts of extra shit is wrong with me just so I can spend more time with our doctor. Today I got an extra drug and a follow up appointment in just three weeks!

This is not our doctor. This is John Mayer, who looks like our doctor.
Note that I cyberstalked our doctor and actually found a picture of him when he was in junior high. There's no need to post that picture, though.
Note that I cyberstalked our doctor and actually found a picture of him when he was in junior high. There's no need to post that picture, though.
But you openly admit it on your blog so I guess that makes you.....
....hmmm....a cyberstalking, doctor jonesing, John Mayer look-alike liker perv.
Or something like that anyway....as long as you didn't picture him with an eclair I think you're safe!
It's funny that you make up shit to see your doctor whereas you make up shit to get OUT of doing things with me!! {:^(
I know. "Sorry honey, have a headache, can't sweep up the back yard" comes in very handy!
And Jin! I'll have you know that CPW is a FAMILY oriented blog!
I'm glad for you. When my doctor comes near me, I just say um, thanks, but I'll just do the examination myself, thanks. He always looks hurt.
I had to switch doctors recently because he was too good looking. Just freaked me out a bit.
Dale, I guess that's the price you Canadians pay for giving health care to everyone: ugly doctors.
Shar, you should have tried my approach and said "hey, I don't think it's fair that I'm the only one without clothes on here!"
I made an appointment with my doctor's office a few years ago and they told me that my regular doctor was unavailable, and would I mind seeing Dr. So and So.
Dr. So and So was possibly the best looking man I have ever seen in my life, and certainly the best looking man who has ever seen me naked.
I was blushing and stammering the entire time.
There's something about a guy with a skill... I have a crush on the cute young guy who does my pedicures and on my mechanic.
Something about that tool belt, eh Lu?
Woo hoo! We LOVES Harriet the Spy over here at CPW!
Thanks man. It only took me four months to figure out the whole "add a picture to your profile" thing. We misunderstood geniuses take our time, right CP?
You, me & Harriet.
"He wears a toolbelt *and* he's in a band, and you still don't want to date him?"
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