Gentle Readers,
There will likely be minimal posting the rest of this week.
As you may have noted from my previous entry, I had a busy weekend partying and playing with our out of town guests. Yesterday we recuperated at the beach. Today I returned to work. Tomorrow I go away on business for three days.
Friday night I will attend my first-ever bachelor party with dinner, heavy drinking and strippers. No joking here. I have nothing against strippers, but I don't want to be paying for lap dances. But I guess I'll have to chip in & help buy the groom one.
Perhaps one or more of my Gentle Readers could educate me as to strip club etiquette? I don't want to make any social faux-pas. I already embarassed myself once when Justin, the groom, said "be sure to wear loose pants." I thought he was referring to a need for, um, extra room in case one becomes excited during a lap dance. "No," he said, "I was referring to dinner. There's going to be a lot of food. Fucking pervert."
Well, back where I come from we calls them FEEDING pants!
When the music starts, just stand up, writhe a little and slowly take off your clothes. They pay you.
We call them buffet pants.
Keep your hands in your pockets! Only take them out to pay for drinks and tip the girls.
If you really feel like spending a lot of money, buy out the champagne room.
Change your green backs into $1's, $5's, $10's & $20's. If you are loaded, $100's.
Drink your liquor straigt, your beer in bottles.
Then shake what yo mama gave ya!
OMG...you are sooo fucking tripping....
CP, I have the solution for you. Go ask the next great genius! Surely, she'll have the answer!!!
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