I'm mad at the Company Bitch. She talks too much about her boyfriend, and not enough about her dysfunctional office anymore. I don't really care about all that Sex in the City kind of crap. Plus, she refuses to link to anyone else, and doesn't interact with her commenters, except occasionally to make snide remarks to them in subsequent postings. Not that I'm against snide remarks. But you have to share the love sometimes, too.
No more permalink for her!
But we have a lot of love to go around here at CPW! We have a new love affair with Bella Rossa. I'm setting my cyberstalking sights on her for a while now.
One of Bella's projects is to interview other bloggers. Click here to read her recent interview with our blogging friend Dale. She and Dale are awesome. They both have our full support over here at CPW. If Dale and Bella had a baby, I would volunteer to change its diapers.
But who's going to change mine? You're soaking in it.
I agree, I likeed the office part of her blog better, plus she doesn't post that often any more.
Right on! I feel similarly. I might do the same and take down the link, because I have to be just like you and do everything you do.
Agreed, CP you have a way of changing opinions. CP for president
If you love her so much, go buy her a new bike CP. Prove your love.
Dale, DONE! Now, what can I buy for you? Oh wait, that's right, I have to change both your diaper and the baby's. Yum.
Old Lady, yesssssss!
WT, but wait - I do everything YOU do - so you'd really just be copying yourself. Which is best if you think about it, because you are best. That's why I copy you.
MT, I was thinking of running. Thanks for jogging my memory.
If you're going to run, get a decent running mate (maybe Bikeless Bella) and some good shoes. I'm not convinced you bought her the bike. But I'm convinced you're searching for more Mormon underwear photos. And drinks.
You're right, Dale. Coaster Punchman's declarations of love aside, I remain bikeless.
Bella, when I said "Done!" to Dale, that means that my intention to buy you a bike was created and ready for implementation.
Actually I have a bike you can HAVE - it just needs a little work, like new tires.
I'll be over to your blog soon to do some in depth stalking once my out of town guests go home. Can't wait!!
You can't wait until they go home? That's what I thought. You're silently suffering through parties, cocktails aplenty and the like.
Oops, Freudian slip I'm sure.
CP, that is impossible. Because you are the best.
Okay, whatevs.
Oh, and I just noticed...did you actually take the time to find a picture of a redhaired baby, so it would look more like me? Awww...
A ginger baby! I didn't even notice!
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