Sissel had asked Oddrun what treat from Norway she would like them most to bring, and Oddrun responded "homemade svele." Svele are basically pancakes that you season with butter & sugar, as with lefse. But they're thicker than lefse and aren't made with potatoes. They are a regional favorite from our part of Norway, Møre og Romsdal.
Sissel made them with her own two hands & carted them all the way from Sundalsøra. What a niece!

Sissel med Tante Oddrun.
George & Hallgeir have developed a special relationship. They both watch the same movies and can talk about little else. Kids always like George, because he basically is one.

Tante Oddrun has decided that Lene acts more shy than she really is, and has actually given her assignments to go explore the Village on her own. I gently reminded Oddrun that she was just about Lene's age when she left Norway for good to come live in New York. I don't think Lene's about to do that, but one never knows.

Lene, quite the looker at 17!

Bjorn, strong silent type. Perfect compliment for the millions of New York loudmouths in our midst.

Sissel med Denise, en venn til Oddrun.

Oddrun med Clarence.

Sissel, vakker som Tante Oddrun.

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