Echo is over at his site whining like a fraidy cat that he may be an alcoholic because he once ordered daiquiri flavored sorbet. Boo hoo. I should have him spend an evening with my mother. Then he'll know what real drinking is all about.
Anyway, his sad little story reminded me of how my sister-in-law once came over to visit. I said to her, "Ruby, would you like something to drink?" Her response was "yeah . . . you got any daiquiris?"
As if I had daiquiris just sitting around in case some boozy dame came in to order one.
Funny thing is, I opened the fridge and did indeed have a carton of strawberries. Seeing as how I usually have a fully stocked bar otherwise, I was actually able to make Ruby a pitcher of daiquiris.
Ruby, not being much of a drinker, now thinks it's perfectly normal behavior to order some fancy drink when she goes a-calling. She's going to be sadly mistaken if she pulls that shit anywhere else though, because I don't think most people can just haul out & make a fresh strawberry daiquiri on a moment's notice.
But CP ain't most people. Best not forget that.
* Photo stolen, shamelessly, from Echo.
hmmm....now I have to come up with some outragious request this weekend.........
*looking for Mr. Boston's Bartenders Guide*
I just wanted to add that:
CP ain't most people.
Oh, wait...I think someone said that already.....
As I'm close to the 20s in beers tonight, I recommend Echo be forced to spend a Friday night with me (naturally, a taxi is included)
Great stuff folks. Ordering a strawberry daiquiri does'nt make you an alcohol, it just makes you fruity.
I can't help it. They're tastey. Sure, I like the bitters of a good beer or stout. And don't get me near a pitcher of margaritas or you won't get any. I've been known to down Guinness, Potato Juice, and good Scotch. But let's face it folks. For taste, there's nothing like a good berry beverage - potato juice or no. I'm not embarassed about it. Not in the least.
Okay. Just a little bit. Ketel One, anyone?
Lu: we are lonely without you. Now that I know you're safe in your hotel, I have a party in store for you.
Jin: you have a brilliant cyberstalking mind and I'm glad you are learning my trade. Will you teach me to make fancy cake frosting?
Creepy: funny you should mention it. I've already figured out Echo's true identity including name, address, multiple phone #'s, SS# and thong size. I'd be glad to send you all of the above if you'd like to contact him.
Echo: it sounds like you're making progress on your shame issues. That's too bad.
Cp, that's just great. So, you now have the name, addr, phone, SS and thong size of a fictional character...how MUCH did you drink last night???
Do not underestimate my awesome powers.
You don't know the power of the dark side...
Hey Jin, perhaps you can concoct a strawberry daquiri cake for the CP! Even better if you can make a cat jump out of it.
Ruby never invites me to her home for dinner, although she has come over to our place for many evenings of libation and nutrition. I think when she finally invites me to have something to eat I will ask "Ummm, do you have any Beef Wellington?"...
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